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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. And I'm talking about the ones that will, dumb bitch. Do you deny PS5 games will continue to be announced and come to PC?
  2. PC is separate for 2022 even though there are Sony multiplats in 2022. That chart shows they will continue to put games on PC...... Here's more to confirm it (the last was from the SAME PRESENTATION!):
  3. These picture all prove my claim Sony will continue to put PS5 games on PC..... 😆 I never said all....
  4. Debunks what. That chart is accurate. They want to continue PC growth......IT LITERALLY SAYS SO AGAIN 2 PAGES EARLIER,
  5. How the fuck do I debate someone who is literally making everything up in thin air. Sony made no such distinctions in their graph. You are literally theorizing. I can't find a single source agreeing with your claim, but whenever I google this Sony presentation I just get sources agreeing with me. All of them. Even the actual full presentation itself.
  6. You have to be trolling. Sony literally disagrees with you in their presentation. Sony Business Segment Briefings 2022 Game & Network Services Segment_E
  7. No. PC is it's own color even when PS4 and PS5 were combined. That's a random rule you just made up on the spot. Sony disagrees with you in the actual Presentation you are ripping that chart from, Sony Business Segment Briefings 2022 Game & Network Services Segment_E
  8. I'm not sure if you're fucked in the head or what..... But that's from a Sony presentation where they show significant PC growth and highlight PC ports. That graph you just put up shows they will continue that....here is the prior graph that goes with it. Sony Business Segment Briefings 2022 Game & Network Services Segment_E (Page 32-34).
  9. The dark blue subsection doesn't mean they are going to stop putting games on PC.....that's in 2022 also and 3 PS5 games are coming to PC. You made that up. That is Significant Growth towards PC. Sony Business Segment Briefings 2022 Game & Network Services Segment_E See page 32 and 34. Sony is not saying what you're saying. That's the presentation you are getting this from. In no way do they say what you say the graph says.
  10. The light blue proves what I said. Multiple publications agree with my analysis of the chart. Sony Shares Official PlayStation PC Sales Numbers and Forecasts Huge Growth Next FY; Zero Dawn Sold Over 2.39 Million Copies (wccftech.com)
  11. That's literally you in every thread lol. I'm glad that Sony will continue to put PS5 games on PC up until at least 2025, most likely after as well since it is profitable.
  12. Here is proof that Sony will continue to put these games on PC and not merely stop when they are done with cross-gen titles,
  13. Yes. That fucking graph you JUST posted. 🤣
  14. 1. Why lie? This month they literally confirmed three PS5 titles coming to PC......... 2. That chart shows Sony will continue to put out more on PC.......you're reading it wrong or something.
  15. The graph you posted shows Sony will only put out more stuff on PC.........
  16. Except for the ones we have already gotten and are confirmed to be getting.....
  17. I'm not sure what graph you're looking at. The one you just linked leads me to believe Sony will continue to put out these games on PC. Hence gaming outlets also thinking as much once seeing that graph. You are literally the only person I have seen on any gaming community who thinks the graph means the exact opposite of what it shows.
  18. I mean it started working quite well half way into last gen, hence 3 digit lead. And this gen it's even bigger/better. Getting the most games is pretty cool. 😎
  19. This chart tells me Sony will continue to put games on PC.......not the other way around. Are you blind or simply a retard?
  20. Not praying, kindly asking. It has worked wonders so far.
  21. Is Spider-Man: Miles Morales a PS5 game or not? You keep avoiding this question.
  22. That literally has NOTHING to do with my statement and question. PC is getting a PS5 game, and another AAA. Thank you Sony! Keep em' comming.
  23. Sony please don't stop the flow of games, PC gotta win with 3 digits again!
  24. Let me attempt simple logic with this kid, Fact: Miles Morales is a PS4 and PS5 Game. Does this statement remain a fact: Miles Morales is a PS5 Game.
  25. Spider-Man Miles Morales is a PS4 and PS5 game, you dumb fuck.
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