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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. My links listed far more than one game. They contain more examples, such as Battlefield, Overwatch 2, Far Cry 6, Halo, and Stalker 2. There's other games in both links as well. You posted a flat out lie, and were caught. There is no going back, you were objectively incorrect. By "not much else" you mean the entire genre? Make sense please. But I don't understand why you are singling out PC when those other systems, like Switch and PS5, have even less FPS options.......what's your goal here other than being wrong on the basic facts?
  2. I gave two links that listed every recent and future FPS release and all of them were on PC. More so than any other system. "Not much else" must mean you're also knocking PS5 and Switch which have even less shooters on the horizon. Starting to see why everyone thinks you lost?
  3. His posts would make more sense if they were an indictment on the state of the FPS genre in general (still subjective). It would be a valid point of discussion perhaps. But that dope went after PC instead, which made 0 sense as it is getting the most of the genre. Is he saying Switch and PS5 are even worse?
  4. Lmao so mad that PC gets given the most stuff. Godmode system.
  5. The fuck is this shit. Publishers and consoles are putting their games on PC more than ever this gen. It literally won last gen with triple digits due to this.
  6. PC has the entire foreseeable FPS release line up.... (Starting to see why you lost and were objectively wrong?)
  7. I did not edit this screenshot, Admit the above post was a lie so we can move on to Halo owning your soul.
  8. You literally posted this There isn't a single poster who doesn't know the above post was objectively incorrect once looking at the 2021 FPS releases and the platforms each of them release on. Just say you messed up.
  9. @Remij @jehurey is one of the few people I have ever had to take a screenshot of his post and reply to him with it to show him he's lying......in the same thread
  10. The criteria was never exclusives. I mean people can just go to page 2 and see you posted this, The above post just can't be justified, as every popular FPS release is also on PC for 2021. You simply lied or were wrong. 😉
  11. What does this have to do with popularity, 😉
  12. You said "remotely popular". I'm not sure why you're still at this. Your two sentences were factually wrong. It's okay to say you messed up.
  13. I just gave an example of why your sentence was objectively wrong. Your opinion on this example does not change you from being objectively wrong.
  14. PC is getting "remotely" popular shooters for 2021. PC factually has something else. Far Cry 6 for Xbox One, PS4, PC, & More | Ubisoft (US)
  15. You stated lies. I specifically quoted them and showed they were objectively wrong. Now all you can do is wait for Godlo to own your soul.
  16. You lied in those sentences. No clue what you're going on about with this spin.
  17. The two sentences I quoted are objectively incorrect. Far Cry 6 is a popular first person shooter. Battlefield is a popular first person shooter. The sentence was objectively false even if we exclude every other "remotely" popular shooter coming up. Most of which will be on PC than any other system. This sentence is false. PC has several first person shooter releases in 2021. This is the opposite of "don't have anything else". These are objectively false statements.
  18. Yes you lied here, PC is getting all the "remotely" popular shooters for 2021. PC literally has something else. Both of your sentences were objectively incorrect. Like how you lied about my PC. Lying is bad for the soul. Do not lie. Thank you. 😉
  19. Even if you exclude RE, both sites still show PC with the most FPS. Just say you were wrong, like when you lied about my PC. It's cleansing to admit ones mistakes. 😉
  20. Yes you did here are the quotes, This is wrong going by simple 2021 release lists. 🙂
  21. I'm just super happy I proved you wrong when you lied about PC and FPS for this year! Was so easy! If Halo is the best game then it's the best game. It's not like that would take away from PC winning every gen.
  22. I dunno, I'll probably play most games in that list. Maye GODLO will be the best. Maybe it won't. I'm just glad PC can play the most of them!
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