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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. You can buy the analog parts by themselves for $10 or you can bend over and give Nintendo $80 for a new pair of trash-cons, but who wants to fuck with replacing that shit every 6 months to a year? Nintendo needs to get fucked for this.
  2. The PSP and Vita had similar analog designs; I guess they just have higher quality components.
  3. Less than 24 hours to go. Reveal: Teaser #2: Gameplay Reveal: Reaction:
  4. It's pretty sad we've come to a point where we need to subscribe to some trash tier service to be able to escape ads and in-app purchases.
  5. Get ready for this game to over shadow Nintendo's entire lineup in 2020.
  6. Barely squeaked by... and that's without Big Ben playing.
  7. "Thank you for tuning in and we hope you enjoyed the previous reporters satire!" "Have a good night."
  8. Left: New analog PCB Right: Old analog PCB Both appear to have the same graphite padding that deteriorates, breaks off and causes the drifting issue.
  9. Current gen game is a current gen game. News at 11.
  10. Dev says don't expect what we've shown to represent the final product. Remij retains expectations.
  11. What downgrade? The one based on your poor expectations after being warned multiple times that it's a current generation game? Your statements contradict CDPRs and common sense. https://www.vg247.com/2019/07/09/cyberpunk-2077-treating-ps4-xbox-one-as-first-class-platforms/
  12. This is Witcher 3 all over again. There's nothing here suggesting this is being downgraded because of the consoles, and if there is provide the proof.
  13. Look guys, the game is being downgraded based on my expectations and has no basis in reality!!
  14. Still sporting the drift prone analog sticks, I see.
  15. That's not good enough. It still stands, this was always how it was going to be.
  16. Where's your proof? You act like CD Projekt Red hasn't done this before.
  17. And apparently nothing about that is going to be running on your PosC.
  18. No, they simply pulled a Watch Dogs knowing that they wouldn't be able to deliver on any platform.
  19. Anyone with a brain could tell right off the bat the game looked current gen.
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