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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. The kid is retarded. This is as basic and generalized as it gets. There is literally zero discussion there. Do you even understand what having a discussion is?
  2. Me: Slowkosan, show me where you talk about games outside of relative success and sales? Slowkosan: Uh uh... go look at ReefsetEra, NeoGAF or SystemWars @ GS. They're talking about it, I swaerz!!!11 Me: No Slowkosan, show me here where you talk about games outside of relative success and sales? Slowkosan:
  3. No surprise that you continue to avoid the facts. Pathetic.
  4. I moved the goal post? I was always talking about this place. Why the fuck would I ask you to go find someone at RetardEra or some other forum talking about this game? Are you that stupid? You missed the point per usual. All you talk about regarding games are, again, relative success and sales. Like I said, this shit will be forgotten faster than Smash, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario Maker 2, and various other Nintendo titles on this board.
  5. Look at Slowkosan run to another forum to find people talking about this game. Where is anyone talking about this game here? No where. This game will be forgotten faster than Smash, Mario Maker 2 and various other Nintendo titles.
  6. Surprised that you think game discussion revolves around relative success and sales talk... said no one.
  7. The game looks good, but jesus fuck... "arguably best looking game of all time"... give me a goddamn break.
  8. Seems like a cool dude that just likes to get stoned and make music. I like Post Malone.
  9. Glad to see Monster Hunter the most successful it's ever been. All due to getting off Nintendo's shitty systems.
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