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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Another vaporware proof of idea trailer. Rare doesn’t even know wtf it’s doing with Everwild. I wouldn’t trust them at all. Yooka-Layla was already the sequel to Banjo anyways.
  2. If you keep it close against the Celtics in the 4th, they’ve been anti-clutch.
  3. Yet Phil somehow always gets a pass. Worst exec around.
  4. Most Xboys love COD anyways so they’ll be fine.
  5. I won’t say more. But just wait for the music in biome 4. One of the tracks in there is one of the best in a recent memory.
  6. Yep, you never feel outright robbed or cheated on your deaths like Souls games. The difficulty is high but it's about skills. The mix of 3rd person shooting and the bullet hell arcade shooting is awesome. I guess I kind of spoiled a little by saying there's a fourth biome. lol
  7. https://deadline.com/2022/06/fox-news-january-6th-committee-chris-stirewalt-1235042774/ No wonder they were so quiet. Fox was totally complicit in trying to overthrow democracy.
  8. Damn, the right is so scared of the Jan 6th hearings they didn't even have a commercial break during Tucker Carlson and their homepage is full of nonsense.
  9. I bought it full price because I like Supermassive and don't mind giving them support. Sony was really dumb for not acquiring them after Until Dawn.
  10. Ok dude, one side tried to overthrow Democracy based on a lie but whatever what do I know?
  11. Yet who determines those prices yet also posting record profits? The free market decides. Also, Federal Reserve determines interest rates not the congress or president. Also pretty sure Jerome Powell was appointed by Trump. Not to mention I do know that both the Dems and Republicans are corrupt as fuck when it comes to the market. Neoliberals are just as trashy as the GOP.
  12. I've said all those things were bad. Yet you keep writing more and more. The original topic was about trying to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice which I said was wrong. Just keep spouting your Tucker Carlson talking points though. It's really changing my mind about you alt-righties.
  13. Yep, government definitely controls prices and not companies. The biggest drivers of inflation again are gas prices, airlines, and housing all of which aren't affected by the President or those in office. This is the free market after all right?
  14. Ok, all those are bad... your point? Also, thanks for not condemning Uvalde or Buffalo, really shows your character spouting more whataboutisms instead of just condemning all political violence. Still thinking Jan 6 was just a tourist visit right?
  15. Why are you referring to me like I personally did this? Again, corporations and companies decide prices not people or the president. This is the free market the GOP loves so much though right?
  16. It's almost like both sides are wrong for violence. Do you agree that Uvalde and Buffalo are just as bad if not worse since multiple people were murdered? Also, don't forget how many crosshairs with Obama pictures there were from 08-16.
  17. The larger of the two stimulus checks came when Trump was president.
  18. Steph choking in the 4th quarters again. If Celts win tonight, it's over. God, I don't want them to win.
  19. Everyone he says when Switch has outsold everything apart from PS2 and DS at this point. Sales are the best gauge of popularity whether you like to admit it or not. But since you've been arguing that point since PSP days, there's zero reason to put effort into this argument.
  20. Acting like a president has any influence over the market when corporations and the oil companies are charging astronomical rates despite posting record profits since the pandemic started. Almost like the whole thing is fixed. Don't forget too that every single House GOP member voted against a Gas Gouging bill which is the biggest cause of the rise in inflation. It's almost like you get your news only from Newsmax.
  21. Just look at the god awful steam controller piece of shit they sold to fat hermslobs.
  22. I'm talking about OP here but nice to out yourself as the lemming trash you are.
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