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Everything posted by Ike

  1. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-organization-and-cfo-allen-weisselberg-expected-to-be-charged-thursday-11625060765?mod=hp_lead_pos1 Don and his rotten family all next.
  2. Thanks will probably pick this up Black Friday if it’s $30 or less.
  3. I haven’t played Plague’s Tale yet. This is nice one for me. I also tried Maneater. It’s actually pretty fun and narrated by Jerry from Rick and Morty.
  4. Watched Willy’s Wonderland. It was one of the worst directed films I’ve seen in a long time. Waste of Nic Cage and the only positive I can say about is that the effect for animatronics was nice. Don’t recommend this even in a so bad it’s somewhat enjoyable. It was just a bad movie.
  5. He’ll be port begging for this the first rumor that comes around too.
  6. They’re giving us a better ending than that shitty one from season 7.
  7. Says the fanboy pushing Halo
  8. What is there design? They just copy and paste mechanics from 2006’s Oblivion.
  9. Fallout76 was such a commercial and critical failure too.
  10. More tears AAA developer who’s made one of the best mechanically designed TPS ever.
  11. Dude, Miami has been so lucky for so long. I. Scared for you guys. We hit 108 in Seattle and had three consecutive days of 100+ temps which is just unheard of. The average temp right now is supposed to be 73.
  12. Crappy, bug-filled RPGs with the same goddamn mechanics from early 00s that even the studio head just called “Skyrim in Space” Bethesda has always been trash.
  13. Awesome pick ups. If Housemarque can knock it out if the park their first time with Sony, they’re only going to get better from here. Sony first party probably surpassing Nintendo at this point.
  14. God that would be awesome. Aiba one of the best characters ever.
  15. Watched False Positive last night. It was pretty good. The plot/writing wasn’t too great and I felt they underutilized Theroux but it was well directed and shot. I enjoyed what they gave us. If you’re looking for a enjoyable 90 minute horror diversion, you could do worse.
  16. 2/2 so far for Rick and Morty season 5. Definitely feels like they got the creative juices back. High concept fun this week and the post credits scene gave me one of the biggest laughs of the year. Just so we’ll done. Can’t wait for more.
  17. God this afternoon sucked. I’m going to need to get out of the house tomorrow and somewhere with AC. My poor cat too is overheating. I feel so bad for him.
  18. It’s only been 100+ 3 days in recorded history in this area. We can match that total these next 3 days. Probably going to eclipse our record high of 103 in Seattle on Monday. The average temperature right now is like 78 normally.
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