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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. real talk, i love that i will be able to play console games on the go, even on my phone. that video demo was awesome - seeing forza on a damn phone hooked up to a controller. i really hope nintendo and msoft can join forces. forza and mario on the same console = epic.
  2. Not surprising. Their hardware doesn’t sell. Hopefully, aside from Forza, we get MS games that score higher than 6’s.
  3. I’m saving up for the $5,000,000 one that gives double xp
  4. Damn, you are a beast. I like collecting signs because you level up quickly. I jumped from 25 to 42 in 4 hours
  5. I still need to watch both seasons. Too much good tv
  6. Remij, you already got all 200 bonus signs? Holy fuck
  7. I got bored of the races. Now, I’m collecting signs - probably my favorite aspect of the past horizon games. Man..some of these are devious as fuck!
  8. Too bad trump is his butt buddy now.
  9. So I finally watched Mandy. Holy fuck, what a trippy ass movie! It was so fucked up, that I loved it. I don’t think it’s for everyone, but you should definitely watch it while you’re high.
  10. As long as the core missions own, I don’t care how much filler content is in it - unless that filler content is required to get a decent xp. Then I have issues.
  11. I never used the auction in the past games. Is there one in 4? I want to sell the rare clothing lol. What crap.
  12. Oh, I just read the thread title. I’m too lazy to read all of that.
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