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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. ah that makes sense. unfortunately, some media outlets (and social media) depict blacks as savages. sure, you get black trash just like in those vids. but you also get white trash, who are just as bad. most of the black people here in miami (this is a very mixed area) are no different than the whites. i grew up in a predominantly black area, and they were cool as fuck with me. ironically, i've had more issues with white trash.
  2. lol most blacks are sane. you don't have black people in your area?
  3. lemcels are so desperate for exclusives, that they are resorting to unparalleled stupidity.
  4. Their first 3 albums were legendary. And stankonia was super experimental. I remember when I first heard bombs over Baghdad. It fused hip hop, drum n bass, funk, rock, and even gospel - proving hip hop can be a limitless genre.
  5. I liked her stuff. However, I was never a huge fan. OutKast, however, is godly. Their music is timeless. I will say I loved badu is roots’ baby you got me.
  6. It hasn’t been a thing in decades. Sure, you are bound to find blacks and whites fighting each other. But you see way more white-on-white, or black-on-black violence. A lot of gangs are mixed, as well. So, it’s not like in the movies..where a Hispanic will get ganked for walking through a black neighborhood. A black dude, who’s not affiliated with that neighborhood gang, will have the same level of risk.
  7. Nah. Fh4 is a nice victory for Microsoft, but the one has been very disappointing, overall, this gen.
  8. Lmfao!!! I said the same thing about that stupid prize wheel stuff. I also felt that same deja vu feeling. I mean..It shits on 3’s visuals, map design, and controls. However, after plowing through it earlier today, I felt like I can wait until sat before I play it again (2 and 3 had me hooked for days straight, though). So, I agree with your post 100%. It’s by far the best racing game ever...but 2 and 3 were pretty awesome already.
  9. I think I’m now level 19 or 20. Not bad for 8 hours of play i decided to switch things up and move to winter. I love how you can shift the seasons at any time (once you unlock them). I will play some more this weekend,
  10. Just did the cross-country titan challenge. Epic ha, I’ve unlocked winter and spring, and I’m still playing fall.
  11. The handling is perfect in this game. Oh and cross-country >>>
  12. Back in this mofo no more distractions.
  13. Oh yeah, it was! It made up for the more underwhelming ones.
  14. I’m on it now too. No more distractions! I’m actually sick as a dog today, so I will be playing FH4 all day.
  15. I beat cave raider: pros - rich, detailed cities; great puzzles and exploration; felt the most “tomb raider” in the trilogy; significantly less combat (a plus in my book); the chain stealth skill is awesome. cons - meh story (I swear they kept saying “my titty”); 80% caves and water; piranha stealth (I shit you not); poor combat design in spots (really? I can’t pick up the guns?); some b-tier acting. all in all, despite its flaws, this was a very addictive action adventure title, with more of an emphasis on its adventure component. GS was way too harsh, bu
  16. Hmmm....it was a great Saul ep, but next week’s finale will give me a better idea of just how great it was. It may only be just “good” if the payoff falls flat. But on a character development front, we see exactly why jimmy/Saul is his own worst enemy. Bob Odenkirk really deserves an award for his performance this season, especially in this episode.
  17. That’s awesome bro! Be careful you don’t burn on the game though. That is what happened with me and part three. I did way too much too quickly.
  18. $350 is an excellent price for the best mix of REAL exclusives , multiplats, and graphical showcases. sony
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