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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Do yourself a favor, take two seconds to actually read what happened to this particular piece of land and save yourself further embarrassment. What I love about Ramza is he is so arrogant with his ignorance
  2. Hot air news? The land in question has nothing to do with conquering. As usual you're commenting on shit you are clueless about.
  3. He is just doubling down on what got him elected on Florida twice so he thinks it works nationally. Not sure why you're surprised when this is who he has always been.
  4. I had to double check to see if it was you or cooke who made that post.
  5. These right wing snowflakes still think Trump won the election 😂🤣
  6. Cooke it's like you have the memory of a gnat. When the Twitter Files first came out I pointed all these things out to you because I actually read it. My posts about it are in the fucking Twitter files thread you made on this very board. Do you do a memory dump everytime your dumbass gets owned? Oh I did read the Twitter Files... The premise was about the leftist government censoring the right's freedom of speech. Remember the Hunter Biden picture that Twitter files used as proof the Biden admin censored free speech?.... Whoops that turned out to
  7. What hilarious is Densantis is trying to paint Trump as woke.... Lmfao.
  8. My god you are dumb as rocks Let me remind you that claims of the Twitter Files was that the Biden Administration was censoring conservative speech but it instead exposing and showed that it was actually the TRUMP administration that was trying to censor democrats or anyone that critiqued them. When Elon's lawyers were in court and it was time to prove that the Biden administration was the one who attempted to censor speech, they admitted that the Twitter Files actually doesn't show that. This lawsuit doesn't change that because as per usual your dumbass
  9. He is..... And is getting more extreme by the day. https://twitter.com/DeSantisWarRoom/status/1674899610379116546?t=xgMbfb9FZ3h6IHwAVJe0Pg&s=19
  10. Bbbbbbut best deal in gaming
  11. PS5 was supply constrained through the majority of those releases. In no shape or fashion is Xbox being behind 2 to 1 so early in the gen "pretty good". Now that supply constraints are no longer an issue, PS5 is experiencing triple digit growth every month consistently... While Xbox is experience negative growth aka declines. That 2 to 1 lead on Xbox will increase significantly.
  12. Can't make this shit up https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1675214274627530754?t=QoAqtn2hl4f-v74lGc9agQ&s=19
  13. DeSantis is not a serious candidate confirmed. He is pledging to get rid of the department of Education, the IRS, Commerce and also the energy department
  14. So the infustructure bill has been such a resounding success.. Billions in funding for every single state. Republicans all over the country are taking credit for it... The issue is.... They all voted against it.
  15. Nintendo and Sony are tripping over themselves to copy this sort of block buster success that only a service like gamepass could bring. Anyday now
  16. Rumor has it they're panicking because allegedly low preorders
  17. Look at that wall of text because you can't stand your own narratives used against you. And as I've said multiple times.. I played my entire Wii collection on Wiiu for free...I did not pay one cent.... And That PS3 analogy was using your own context less narratives which you love sooo much.... You have to pay a subscription fee to play games you already own.... you have no other option... Pay the sub fee or GTFO. I know you hate it when reality doesn't line up with your narratives
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