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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.bandlab.com/post/364a0fd5-bb56-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0 Been awhile
  2. The guarantee would be to negotiate that Ukraine joins NATO immediately if Russia were to attempt another move. Ukraine will have to cede some terrority. Perhaps only the territory that is overwhelmingly Russian speaking. They don't want to be part of Ukraine. There will not be peace with the status quo
  3. You actually think this is the full extent of the second most powerful army on earth? Seriously bro?
  4. Press the advantage. Russia is on weaker footing but it won't last. Do you HONESTLY think Ukraine can beat Russia in an all out war?
  5. I still have a free year left on my gamepass cause I paid off series s and gamepass bundle right away 😁
  6. I'm guessing because sex with a squid isnt the same as decapitation and mutilations. Americans are just weird about sex.
  7. Right now Ukraine has the advantage and should be talking to their enemy to get the most out of them. When the surge of hundreds of thousands of new troops comes then what? More Ukrainians die? You guys really are sick in the head.
  8. I'd rather not sleepwalk into ww3. You do you though.
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3703331-progressive-caucus-withdraws-letter-on-ukraine-strategy-amid-blowback/ Never mind, the warmongers beat them into submission. Go Ukraine Go!
  10. Misread that. Which gas are you talking about in the second paragraph?
  11. People aren't heating their homes with gasoline. It's the natural gas that's the issue.
  12. You honestly think there won't be an energy crisis in Europe?
  13. The Guardian: We need direct talks with Russia and a negotiated settlement. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/25/aoc-ilhan-omar-ayanna-pressley-open-letter-russia-ukraine Right?
  14. I said recommends, not that they MUST be included. But now that its on the schedule no legal action can be taken against the drug companies that make it. How convenient.
  15. CDC recommending the shots added to the vaccine schedule for children to attend school. Interesting. It doesn't prevent infection, it doesn't prevent transmission. It's a very mild disease for children, and the shot lasts only a matter of months. Meanwhile the flu shot isn't on the schedule and the flu is much more deadly to children. Wtf is going on? I don't believe any other country is doing this. Many have in fact banned it for children and young men especially.
  16. ive yet to really play it undocked.. i find it uncomfortable as a handheld. Its just too damn big. As a portable pc replacement for my shitty laptop its great though.
  17. Who is Threy and what are their profiles? And why are you acting as though MAGA and Tulsi Gabbard supporters are the same thing?
  18. no its a bullshit deflection. If you say it you're obviously not serious about your own convictions or just have no idea what you're talking about.
  19. You know when people say "right wing talking points" it means "yes I know you're right but it goes against my dogma and it's too hard to argue your valid points" .
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