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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. im so confused by the titling of these games. Is this a remake of an older one? is a new one? wasnt there one called gotham knight already?
  2. The left left me actually. As soon as Trump was elected they all went fucking bat shit crazy and doubled down on the dumbest shit. I would have voted for Obama twice if I were American. I voted for Trudeau in 2015, and before that voted NDP every election. But the left has allowed the entitled college children to dictate the conversation.
  3. What the fuck aren't you understanding here gouk?
  4. You guys still don't allow unvaccinated non Americans into your country. Literally the only country in the western world doing this. But unvaxxed Americans are fine, like somehow the virus behaves differently in them. Lol junk "science" .
  5. Lol so I guess you are going to ignore the FEDERAL mandates? You guys still don't allow unvaccinated non Americans into your country. Literally the only country in the western world doing this. But unvaxxed Americans are fine, like somehow the virus behaves differently in them. Lol junk "science" .
  6. I guess you missed the part about Denmark having 4x the population density lol
  7. Sweden is but one example. There are many, with similar population densities too. Denmark took a more lax approach and ended restrictions far earlier, banned mRNA vaccines in children and kept schools open and they have a population density more than 4x that of the US. Probably because it wasn't fat shaming to say lose some weight and you might survive covid . Also Australia is now regretting some of their measures which caused more harm than good https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/oct/20/australia-covid-lockdown-rules-restrictions-lacked-fairness-compassion-scho
  8. Epidemiologists who did have better ideas were silenced.
  9. It's so sad what they have become. It's just an empty shell of virtues and platitudes owned by massive multinational corporations. Mussolini said Fascism is the marriage of corporations and the state. Well we are quickly moving to that. You are fascist.
  10. The centre right party won the mayor, council, schoolboard and parkboard in the election. The first act is to hire 100 new police officers and 100 mental health nurses and to restore police liaisons in schools. Oh yeah he's also our first Asian mayor. But was called a Nazi fascist almost immediately. https://vancouversun.com/opinion/adam-pankratz-vancouvers-first-asian-mayor-is-hardly-a-fascist-no-matter-what-the-left-says/wcm/a991ba5f-a97b-485b-b8f6-3cffef7b3609 The left don't actually care about diversity. They care about having EVERYONE thinking exactly
  11. There's a lot of things that are confusing about today's left, which is why i Ieft. They used to be anti war, now it's their dream They used to be pro free speech, now they want it policed by big tech They used to hate big corporation's, now they love big tech and big Pharma They used to be pro bodily autonomy, now they have no issue forcing people to get shots that don't do what we were told at the risk of losing your job, not being able to travel, see loved ones. They used to be the party of logic and science, now they don't eve
  12. No that was very tedious. I'm so over that kind of guitar playing (the slapping and hammer ons and plucking,) . And way too produced and compressed. Sounds terrible. They are skilled but it's just bleh
  13. Hey who was Trump supposed to start WW3 with anyway? Russia?
  14. Everything was better under Trump 😂. No new wars, no inflation, no insane gas prices. We are closer to ww3 under Biden. Yet everyone was crying Trump would start WW2. Now liberals are begging for it.
  15. Who fucking cares? It's probably a week's worth of work. 4 grand is fine. Should she be paid more than the artists and programmers? It's not like reading lines is hard work.
  16. Lmao. Even before that it was at record breaking prices. Sit back down fucktard. It's been 1.90-2.30 a litre for 9 months. At the low end that's 7.60 a gallon.
  17. I bought a dock for it. Bluetooth mouse kinda sucks. It doesn't feel as smooth and I hate the delay when it times out after not touching for a while. And having to charge it too. Meh. I've always preferred wired mouse and keyboard.
  18. Cartels control the southern border. Heavily armed Cartels trafficking people and killing migrants. The lack of awareness of deliberate ignorance by those on the left and then the hyperfocus on Ukraine is strange to me.
  19. It's rather odd you guys care so much for other countries borders but hardly care about your own.
  20. Bu bu bu he got brain cancer and died 6 years after leaving Iraq which obviously means he died in Iraq!!!
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