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New PS5 UI update replaces game backgrounds with ADs on the dash and you cant disable it

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That seems rather....hostile for no reason :D 


I hate when publishers do this shit on Steam too though.  Sometimes after like a GOTY edition or expansion or something comes out they update the original versions cover art to show review scores and expansion ads.  Luckily on Steam though you can very easily switch back to any artwork you want.  That shit would drive me up the wall on console probably.

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1 minute ago, sugarhigh said:

Sony shaking their fans upside-down by their ankles to catch every last coin that falls out. Really pathetic.

Yeah, super pathetic. I bet you see ads everywhere and don’t complain.

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1 hour ago, lynux3 said:


Stupid ass lemmings. :mj: 

More proof that Cuckstz is a lying retard who doesn't own a PS5 :kaz:



If he had a PS5 he would have known that there are actually no ads and this was probably a bug.



:luff:  Meanwhile MS still has ads on their dashboard




:ovolol: Epic thread backfire.





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Just now, MalaXmaS said:

Sony is like that easy whore who has her OF and lures virgins just to give them promotions and make the regular guy work extra time for her.


It's a glitch you retard. Read the thread again. There are no ads on PS5's UI unlike you ShitBox :kaz:


Cuckstz was too quick to make a thread and didn't do any research because he doesn't actually own a PS5 :mickeyj:

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