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dakur last won the day on December 26 2018

dakur had the most liked content!

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  1. They have some funny dances, also they're probably fucked. They'll dance their asses to oblivion.
  2. Now I can tell her, "do that vocal fry thing" when she's going down on me. Thanks
  3. PS VR is amazing. This gaming technology is here to stay unlike kinect.
  4. Wtf JLO is 50 there? She's a vampire or what? But the blond still wins me over
  5. I feel non-binary today, let the internet praise me! Tomorrow I'll go back to binary and when I need praise I'll be non binary again or possibly ternary squared.
  6. It's part of our evolutionary history. Men were hunters while women were mostly gatherers. Men had to be silent to get close to the prey while women had to be loud to startle animals that were trying to eat the fruit fallen from trees or to stomp the ground to make fruits fall in the first place. Now that we are in modern times is just obnoxious and microaggressive, we should put a stop womanstomping.
  7. I'm not sure I want to date people who choose their partners over a phone. WTF?
  8. from a scale of 1 to 10, how feminine is her penis?
  9. Well done dude! Congrats on the big step. Go get her!
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