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Everything posted by roflpwnedz

  1. maybe not eurodance but still gay
  2. That sounds like what it was intended for. And thats what he said he wanted to do. Art, design stuff. Now he is asking me about other stuff like putting virtual machines and windows and linux and hacking and it seems because of the processor a lot of older things aren't supported.
  3. My friend got an M2 Macbook. What a headache. Can't do shit on it
  4. Russia is gonna steamroll Estonia next week 🦑
  5. Yellowstone. I'm by season 4 and realized I hadn't seen a single gay storyline.
  6. 2023 and jerry getting pwnedz doesn't stop 🤡
  7. You can make a Labo with that box. And they say it beats a high end PC at VR. Man I love bang for the buck.
  8. Just download a torrent of all the ps3 games
  9. i was gonna suggest that. since everyone here is usually anti doing cool piracy shit
  10. How is switch emulation going? Last I checked Link's Awakening was running decently.
  11. Well Linkin Park got too poppish. The Early 2000's and around that time were good and I still listen to it out of nostalgia. But when all the greenday and chemical romance and screamo shit and christian metal bands came out watch some analcyst say green day was old skool and then they just sold out
  12. There's nothing original anymore. Everything is remade or remixed. But it makes you appreciate how much better the original stuff was in terms of effort, skill, creativity, etc. Not saying you can't be influenced but damn, some stuff is just so obvious and even cameos and references get excessive. I've always wondered like how is music like rap that references other artists supposed to be appreciated in the future without someone going on wikipedia looking up every single thing or person they mention.
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