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System Warrior
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-BAF- last won the day on November 8 2013

-BAF- had the most liked content!

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About -BAF-

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  • Birthday 1988-01-21

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  1. Windwaker was amazing. Really wish Nintendo consoles had more than one good game a year. :(
  2. You really should. It's the best blend of co-op and competitive MP yet. Everything works towards the same goal which is getting better things like cars and property for your character which you can show off to friends or use in MP (upgraded cars in racing modes).
  3. Been playing a lot of GTA Online. Now that it's mostly fixed, it's easily the most addictive multiplayer (with friends) in a long time. The countless missions, competitive races, convenience store hold-ups etc. to earn money keeps you hooked. Having to actually purchase cars for free roam and races rather than jack any car for anything makes it worthwhile especially because money for worthwhile cars and property takes time. Much better than GTA 4's unfocused online.
  4. SC Blacklist, mainly Spies v Mercs MP. It easily reclaims the crown of top MP in gaming.
  5. On PS3. Still a top 10 game on XBL. Most underrated online game of the gen. Can't wait for R* to unveil GTA V online.
  6. We get BF3 on PS+ next month. Might join ya Fucking euro PSN+. Pretty sure US won't be getting that. You'll probably get it at some point. Who knows, you could get it before us. I could care less about "at some point". I'd just love to get some free BF in before the next gen full experience drops.
  7. We get BF3 on PS+ next month. Might join ya Fucking euro PSN+. Pretty sure US won't be getting that.
  8. I ran out of patience and canceled gamefly. Went ahead and bought Last of Us.
  9. Nothing worse than being excited to pop in a game that just arrived (Dark Souls) only to have to sit through half an hour or more of updates. :(
  10. SPGOTG Can't wait for it to get here. The Souls games really are addicting as hell.
  11. Just started up Far Cry 3 today (awesome intro btw) and Dark Souls is on the way.
  12. man, it's been too long since I've had that feeling of picking up a godly game and cracking the case open. Same for me, especially a high quality SP game
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