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System Warrior
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XeNoN last won the day on June 5 2012

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About XeNoN

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 1989-12-29

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  1. I go 5 days a week and spend usually 45mins-hour max
  2. Thanks , I have to work very hard to not be extremely skinny. Crappy genetics! Only downside of being more ripped is that you look just like an average guy in clothes, but much better without. so would having a bit of fat actually make it easier to gain muscle? yes and no, you gain muscle depending on how much you eat..not how much fat you got, but if you were like 100lbs yes it would be harder to gain muscle compared to 180lbs with fat. but its not really absolute. eat good , eat meat and work your ass off consistently, its not about special workouts or secret meal tips...its abou
  3. Thanks , I have to work very hard to not be extremely skinny. Crappy genetics! Only downside of being more ripped is that you look just like an average guy in clothes, but much better without.Yeah man you were skinny as hell! It's a big change. How long has it taken you?Been training for 5 years now. Started at around 126lbs and got up to over 180lbs at my heaviest. weigh a lot less now though
  4. Thanks , I have to work very hard to not be extremely skinny. Crappy genetics! Only downside of being more ripped is that you look just like an average guy in clothes, but much better without.
  5. So I decided to stop getting bigger and cut down like 20lbs because i was putting on too much fat. I wanted to looked semi-ripped for ibiza. Bitches love abs. Feel kinda skinny now, gonna try put muscle on while staying at this bodyfat %
  6. Now you're no longer arguing that th 720 will have 16 cores. 720 could easily get a 4 core cpu based on the A2 architecture which is exactly what the article talks about when it states the 18 core design was too costly. Ultimately you can forget about consoles getting a cpu designed for super computing servers. The closest we came to that was the cell qnd you see how that turned out. MS should focus on beastly GPU and RAM. I no longer believe cpu is as important as the other two components. I even except sony reusing the same exact cell chip to save cost if that would help th
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