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  1. Today
  2. More stat drops and how conservative media works to keep the crime wave narrative going.
  3. Sure it will. Sot ps5 sales will prob fund lotf2 and still rapes the cows day one on da pass
  4. "funding da pass " the funds they made so far wont even cover the price they paid to get Lords of the Fallen 2 and Still Wakes the Deep on game pass
  5. never gonna happen Sinking Ship already sank... in 2 weeks
  6. Cows gleefully funding "da pass" We will buy these old ganes so you can get new game for free on da pass owned
  7. Cows hyping FULL multiplats because Sony abandoned them This is great shemmings
  8. Thanks for proving our point 3rd party Sony bu bu live survussssss 😢 it’s the ONLY games they even make now
  9. ghostz and jonb are SEETHING helldivers 2 and destiny 2:tfs are literally the 2 biggest/best new live service releases this year sony has the best AAA games, the best fun and gamey games, the best live service games, and eh best xbox games
  10. Lmao those numbers are weak as shit, look at the peak vs the top 3. No one cares about some faggoty Destiny 2 DLC.
  11. The cows are FUMING Sony abandoned big AAA cinematic 3rd person action game EXCLUSIVES for a FULL MULTIPLAT GAAS venture BEST on other platforms The SHEMMINGS have been fucking owned watching the Shemmings hype multiplat GAAS games instead of exlcusive AAA cinematic trash while pretending to be happy about sonys new strategy A glorious turn of events
  12. the only backfire here is your doom posting/concern trolling about sony's live service games how's sinking ship going?
  13. microsoft's first party slate throught he first 6 months of 2024 Good-Bye Rush Sinking Ship Disapentiment Honey I Shrunk the Userbase MSs HAS RELEASED MORE FIRST PARTY GAMES TFOR PS5 THAN XBOX THIS YEARr and they're ALL best on ps5
  14. Nope. Trump was horrible for Canada.
  15. GaaStation day one best on Xbox or PC Gaas game 1 Gaas game 2 Gaas game 3 All best on other platforms. THE ENTIRE SLATE , DAY ONE FULL MULTIPLAT Sony 1p NO PS5 REQUIRED
  16. No. Fuck you Remij. Mine was first.
  17. You know, it's crazy how good and impressive Xenoblade X actually is visually, considering it's a WiiU game. It's fucking stunning and super detailed. I'm really anxious to see what Monolith will do on Switch 2 or whatever it is. Also, Paper Mario TTYD Switch looks fucking incredible. It's visually just beautiful as hell. Looks better than a lot of current gen games.. idgaf what anyone says.. it hangs. You know, I've been checking out some of the threads for the Direct on various forums and I echo the sentiment that I would LOVE to see a new Star Fox game, or Wave R
  18. Yesterday
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