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  1. Past hour
  2. These are daily. His movements, his facial expressions. It's all bizarre. No one is editing his dementia into videos. It's all on display, every day. Accept it.
  3. Pardon? https://x.com/BreakingPointsN/status/1802551421385998569 What's been edited? He did pause looking all confused and Biden did have to grab his arm to restart his software.
  4. Is that supposed to be an insult? I wouldn't send 250 billion dollars of our tax dollars to Russia. I'm pro Quebecois. Why should the faith of Zelensky regime be our responsibility? I'll tell you: no reason whatsoever. Nor is it the job of US tax payers to save Zelensky regime.
  5. yes, we know you’ve pro-Russia for a while now. You don’t have to even bother admitting it.
  6. Today
  7. @Alphonse can we fix attaching tweets. Tweets don't inbed anymore on SW.
  8. 1 sub isn't better than one purchase dip shit. With any subscription model, it takes several subs for it to be equal to one purchase. Like I said.. Lemmings aren't too bright
  9. Oh look surprise surprise... Another disingenuous vid by Cooke. https://x.com/EdKrassen/status/1802496803113242822?s=19
  10. Remember when Microsoft used to tout engagement numbers and now it’s how many people “touched” the game? https://x.com/screentime/status/1800590822905180588?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1800590822905180588|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
  11. That’s because they generally aren’t. Look at Hell6lade 2.
  12. Lmfao. It ain’t, son. Why do you think every company is pushing the subscription model? A sub is better than a purchase any day of the week.
  13. Yes you're a desingenous cunt just like I fucking said.
  14. Dude you collect games and don’t even play them. Idk about YOU
  15. Oops my bad. https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1802380110458151329?t=7KfKp7YWHnFVaoJJ4bk5pw&s=19
  16. I didn't say he wandered off you dumb fuck. Even in the full video he looks confused and OLD AS FUCK. And guess what? He's not getting any younger.
  17. Hey at least you finally stopped pretending
  18. The remake of the first game is pretty bad. If it's more of the game, no thanks. And I loved HoTD2. Fuck yeah Skies of Arcadia HD/remake, I'm down. I don't remember the game that well but I loved it on DC back in the days. I was so hyped for it too, the Dreamcast was seriously lacking in the RPG genre.
  19. Next paycheck I'm buying a PS5 just to shut them up. Lmao.
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