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  2. Ghost of Tsushima 2 has to be announced this year. Fairgame$ is coming. Concord is coming. I feel like we could see a Returnal 2 coming from Housemarque announced (and released?) this year. They have been promoting the OG game a fair bit lately. Not sure where Naughty Dog would be right now. They stopped the production of Factions 2, so I don't know how much of their team and time they were using for that. I suspect Gran Turismo 8 will be next gen, unless they do a new GT Sport between now and then. I didn't care for the first Astro, so that is off my radar.
  3. Says the establishment propaganda regurgitating bot.
  4. You're almost as delusional as Cooke.
  5. Today
  6. Sony need some new big announcement and soon. Astro is cool but it's not a big game. I think it will do great but it's no Spiderman.
  7. Fuck off. I've been vindicated many times before. You guys are wrong on covid, Jan 6, the economy, Ukraine. First debate I had on this subforum was you guys pretending that BLM riots weren't bad at all and Jan 6 was way worse in terms of violence. Instant realization that I was talking to people with agendas. 😂 Me and my leftist fuck buddies are more eloquent, and we have sources! I can use Google! Idiots.
  8. The lock on crap is the result of a controller useless for FPS games, it's not intrepid design like the weirdos around here would have you believe but rather built because of a limitation. I went back and played Metroid Prime on my GameCube and within minutes turned it off, the control is so backward and dated.
  9. It's wild how you continually prove what I say about you true with enthusiasm and be so unselfaware of it. If you admit you're uninformed and then make up a hypothesis based on limited information how am I the bad guy here? Am I being arrogant not taking what you say seriously when I am fully aware the shit you yourself admit to making up is wrong? Or inconsistent? Your sources are mostly bullshit from the start then you fill in the test based on the other nonsense you've mentally catalogued...lazily. This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Please n
  10. You dont have to put in effort. Someone's like Hotsauce or Diplomat can make a good point with a single sentence. You lack substance. They made a six pack with her face on it for the ad read. Like they did with other people that had similar engagements. It wasn't a campaign. And what does it mean when people just think it's fine for a companies to ignore whole groups of people and act like they don't exist? There are gay bars that sell beer, and gay people who drink cheap beer. That's my problem with shit like this. It's normalizing bigotry becau
  11. Someone would have to give it to me for me to allow that trash in my house.
  12. Could actually use one for this week. But then I’d just return it cause I have no use. Where? Overnight shipping?
  13. I just realized that Concord didn't make the list 💀💀💀
  14. Dragon Quest 3 HD is like the most exciting for me. It sets a really nice trend for future JRPGs remakes. Hope they go up to VII. Also Indiana Jones seemed cool. Want to see more. And DOOM is guaranteed to be fucking awesome.
  15. Switch is the worst console of all time. Nothing has ever been more pathetic in the industry. I can barely play games on my laptop anymore because I find the graphics capabilities too outdated and yet it completely smokes the Ditch. My laptop could run MP4 in 1080p at 90FPS. Also the game looks boring af with shitty lock-on combat and gay alien design. Typical of the Hemorrhoid Prime franchise. MP1 is the most overrated game of all time. MP2 sucked. MP3 is the worst ''FPS'' I ever played in my life.
  16. I'm not some political warrior on a crusade, dude. I'm not you. I should just bookmark the good stuff I come across for late use, I guess. Ugh, I'm disgusted at the thought of putting efforts in my posts on here. Technically wrong. They made cans with her face on it. Most hetero males are insecure, dude. You think Kid Rock is secure around homo stuff? Lmao. By the way he was caught drinking bug light at public events. Lmfao. Lmao. When I took drifters seriously. It's hard to believe I ever watched Matt Walsh. Man, that'
  17. I'll admit I'm lazy as fuck and don't care in backing my statements with any sources for any of you dumbasses. Fuck, Robo is prime example of a complete moron who'll just post any peer reviewed study article he can find that has the title he wants to hear. Meanwhile, I actually just articulate my opinions. I give ZERO fucks about any of you changing your mind about anything, I'm just stating my opinions and usually asking questions. I may seem ''uninformed'' but I read and watch plenty of well thought individuals, politic commentors, scholars, teachers, credible news sources. That'
  18. He's for the opposite of what the Democrats are winning on.
  19. I had completely forgotten about that game. The style is phenomenal.
  20. I don't know any of those games besides Frostpunk 2. Played the first, it was good but not my type of game, I just wanted to build in peace but the weather drops to ridiculous lows. It's like Sim City but on a clock.
  21. No , but I remember how much of a dated pos Ditch is. And how it looks likes 360 and has a joycon fail rate on par with rrod Nobody cares about " this looks great for Ditch" damage control
  22. Do you even remember the specs of the 360?
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