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  2. They shipped 12M copies... that doesn't mean 12M sales first day
  3. you have to be a retard in a helmet IRL to think 14m STREAMS is better than 11m SOLD
  4. It's available to download to like 40m subscribers. Are you guys stupid? 6m PLAYERS is no where near the biggest launch of a Bethesda RPG ever. This is absolute PR spin and you're dumb as to post this. 6m PLAYERS primarily from Gamepass vs 12 million copies shipped (based on pre-orders).
  5. Going to be amazingly hilarious to watch Starfield be the top selling PS game within a year or so
  6. But what about 5 years ago? Would you have thought that Sony would have stopped making 1p games and went FULL Multi-plat? Slemmings
  7. No he isn't. Show me where he's said that... and in the meantime I'll show you where Jim Ryan said that Sony is going to PC gamers because "they wont come to our house"
  8. It was on Gamepass day one. Stop acting like it's like a full price game trying to sell exclusively on Xbox or some shit. Skyrim is one of the highest selling game of all time on Steam/PC. So what's Starfield excuse exactly? Oh yeah, the game bombed and was seen a massive disappointment. TLHBFR
  9. Idiots still expect 100 percent of userbase to play xbox games. But for PS5, 5 to 10 percent is success LMAO
  10. *yawn* https://www.gameinformer.com/news/2023/09/08/starfield-had-the-biggest-launch-ever-for-a-bethesda-game Starfield has already become Bethesda Game Studios’ biggest launch ever, beating previous releases like Fallout 76, Fallout 4, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  11. Motherfucker Phil's the one begging me to play them since no one bought his console. You tell me as much every chance you get.
  12. I never said Spiderman was an amazing success. Learn to read or something, I didn't even mention Spiderman in that post you quoted. The point is Starfield is not doing great currently on PC/Xbox/Gaypass compared to their other RPGs that has been released from the same studio. Being a new IP isn't even that important when it follow the same template as all their other open world RPGs. Or Gamepass is that pathetic and doesn't have that big of a pool of active players.
  13. Yea I do. You're begging. Keep begging bitch
  14. No, it isn't.. The fact that it's been played that much, despite not being on the two biggest consoles, is a testament to how impressive it is. We're talking two consoles with install bases 2-5x bigger...
  15. You know what I'm doing and you know it's true. Keep lying and tucking bruh.
  16. Hey Jenny, if told you 15 years ago your only claim of ownage over the cows would be that the best upcoming games on PlayStation is Microsoft's top shelf, premier titles your little pea brain would have imploded.
  17. For Bethesda, yeah. As proven by Fallout 4 launch number, in 2014. 12m copies shipped at launch vs 14m PLAYERS after months on the market? Lol. Of course the game would sell on PS5 quite a lot. Hell maybe they would start talking about copies sold instead of players total. Lmfao. I'm not arguing on the basis of the obvious popularity of Mario or Spider Man.
  18. 14 million for starfield is a flop but 11 million for Spiderman is an amazing success this is what they’ve resorted to
  19. ^ and he wonders why he's being called retarded
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