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  1. Past hour
  2. the amount of views it got in a day is crazy. i was vibing with this yesterday and agree with what you said. today its having less of that magic effect on me. who knows what the rest of the album will be like tho. this could be a one off. it definitely would be nice if em came back to not giving a fuck and calling out all the worlds bullshit and embrace the backlash. also look at how pathetic this is: https://www.stereogum.com/2265880/eminems-new-song-houdini-is-really-really-bad/music/ theyre trying so hard meanwhile its the #1 trending song with ove
  3. I love the concept of making a song about old Em aka Slim Shady coming through a portal to the future and being like "what the fuck happened" trying to get the new Em cancelled and Em trying to stop him The world almost needs Slim Shady at this point to call out how ridiculous some of this shit is
  4. Today
  5. The ending was the biggest cock tease for a sequel.
  6. Poll: 71% of Russians think country is on right path, 87% approve of Putin - Levada Denazification and demlitarization the goals of the Special Military Operation will be achieved.
  7. Sony's best selling game ever vs... a regular Nintendo Switch first party release milestone All the forced bundles for it too.. damn near every PS5 sold in Europe included that game probably Palworld sold more on PC alone and in shorter time too
  8. Classic Cuckstz self-ownage thread What’s even amazing about the 11 million number is that they’ve done it without having a single price drop on the game unlike the first Spiderman game. This is an Insomniac employee confirming this fact
  9. Trump thread about his conviction you bring up Biden... Obsessed much?
  10. Cooke


    They both aren't. Biden is brain dead and Trump is a criminal. America fuck yeah
  11. Yesterday
  12. It was a solid State of Decay out of Gamey Games.
  13. Lol you're such a piece of shit.
  14. This could actually be alright. Its from the director of the first movie which was actually a decent adaptation imo.
  15. Empirically grounded cultural observation.
  16. Had a friend try to talk me into the game but I really don't care for the zombie genre.
  17. I wouldn't doubt that at all, this shit is straight gangsta
  18. I played through the very beginning of Lords of The Fallen. Not sure how I feel about it. It runs and looks fine on my PC, and there's a lot more to the gameplay mechanics than I was expecting. But the combat itself is a bit clumsy and doesn't feel as good as Lies of P, which I view as the new standard when it comes to Souls-likes not developed by From. Also, the world feels a bit dull in its design, at least so far. And whats up with the roll? It feels so weird. When the animation is about to end you get propelled forward in a way that makes no sense physics wise.
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