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  1. Today
  2. You posted a video claiming Biden wandered off and once that was debunked... You immediately say "who gives a shit what he wa actually doing"... You just undercut yourself you dumb cunt
  3. Lol this bird chest bitch sneak dissing.
  4. Oh, it's not stealth. I just brought it up early since the same people saying stupid shit on Twitter are in here saying stupid shit like "woke jawline" to character designs.
  5. I've seen the girls one, haven't seen the ones with the kids yet. The original Ghostbusters is one of the few perfect movies I've ever seen so have a deep love of the series, will check out the newer ones soon.
  6. Shiiii black knight tiche is the ultimate summon. The game is easy mode with it.
  7. Mimic tear is the only reason I was able to enjoy this game. Only a couple bosses gave me issue after having it
  8. That's because people so easily fall into the hate trap that the internet is. It makes people miserable ( see op )
  9. You know what.. might not be the thread for this but I'ma say it. Recently my wife, daughter, and I watched the new Ghostbusters movies (Afterlife and Frozen Empire, not the all girl one) and they were both fun as hell. We really enjoyed them and I hope they make another one. I dunno, maybe I'm soft now being a dad and my daughter being a teenager.. but I can't trust opinions on anything these days because people will hate on them for whatever reason.
  10. People who don't like DOOM Eternal needs to shut their damn mouth. Nothing you have to say will ever be of value. People who complain about glory kills have no skills whatsoever and doesn't know how to play the game.
  11. I hate it when GD enjoy Souls games.
  12. Remy trying to stealthily start political threads discussion on the main board and is in denial about it.
  13. I'm not, I'm discussing a TV show. Run along, Gump.
  14. Yesterday
  15. The fuck you talkin bout dawg Link me to this stupid post and I'll respond
  16. Not the place to discuss racism bro
  17. they know it will happen... probably ps6, maybe ps7... who knows, they do thats who
  18. Lol of course you get mad at making fun of racist. Go make another Microsoft dick sucking thread.
  19. The better question is why did it concern you when Dems did it when you live in Canada? Funny how you have absolutely no convictions or honor and too stupid to cover it up.
  20. Spinij post dodging my post accusing him of knowing exactly what he post dodged. Dude is compound post dodging right now.
  21. Remy stays white knighting lolol
  22. What did I say that was disengenous? That he's too old? That he actually appears to be old as fuck? That he looks confused? Have you watched the entire video? There's no sugarcoating it. You can see the faces of the other world leaders looking uncomfortable and awardly at him. He's TOO FUCKING OLD TO BE PRESIDENT FOR FOUR MORE YEARS. Jesus fuck dude.
  23. 3 eps at once too. I don't get this new thing of dropping multiple eps then going week to week after. I guess to whet appetites? Fair warning, the new character is making men of certain background upset for some reason. TLHBO will probably destroy his TV.
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