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  2. It's crazy how many more games Nintonto and MS have over Nony
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  4. i hated it lol. cool atmosphere, but i had no idea what i was doing. man, things have changed.
  5. Initially Astro-bot was the most wishlisted game, but that was at the point when they sampled previously. They updated the article and have a clear picture now of the top wishlisted games which were shown during these events according to IGNs data. Here's the top 25 games: And I was kind of surprised to see Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom at the top. I mean, I know it's a Zelda game.. but it's not exactly a mainline game.. and yet it still powers through. Just shows the powerhouse that is The Legend of Zelda franchise. DOOM comes in at #2, which is great and somewhat
  6. i went back to see gears 3 graphics, which i thought were pretty incredible back in the day. they didn't age too well. it gives me a new appreciation for mp4.
  7. Yup, the prime 1 remaster already looked really good on Switch. This improves on that quite a bit.
  8. Phil has also promised every since 2014 would be the greatest year of Xbox ever and he has failed every time to deliver on that promise.
  9. This isn’t the first time Microsoft has played in the ARM realm. Their last effort was a flop too.
  10. Phil promised the largest jump in Graphics of any XBOx gen. Which leads me to believe theyll probably an expensive ass Xbox made by a third party imo
  11. I think this will be a big test If Switch 2 can handle ray tracing in Games. Its the perfect game for that, with nvidias ray tracing reconstruction since its already 60fps.
  12. I never said you said that. I'm asking for the benefits of banning legal migration that could possibly outweigh the huge consequences.
  13. There's nothing stopping MS from going with an Nvidia based SoC like the Switch 2. Doesn't mean it would have to be Shatdragon lol
  14. Looks good. Pretty nice jump up from Remastered especially in materials and geometry. I hope it's a Switch 2 launch title and they have a Switch 2 build which just ramps everything up.
  15. More powerful than the Ditch. This game looks gens old. Because it is.
  16. 1. Nobody said that immigrants didn't contribute to the economy. 2. Nobody said immigrants were killing more or less citizens.
  17. If that is the route, that doesn't sound promising at all. I am sure I would still buy it, but I wouldn't like it.
  18. i beat the expansion. i ended up enjoying the final boss a lot more than i expected, despite who/what it is getting spoiled for me. i think some will be disappointed by it (seems to be common with final bosses in souls games lol), but i will agree that it puts up a good fight. vague spoiler: as for the rest of the expansion, it was everything i wanted and more. the world was packed with weapons, items, talisman, spells, etc to find. each area felt well- thought out too. it felt like it had the weight of ER, but was condensed into meatier, more vertical slices of gaming bliss. some of th
  19. Both of you may be right, it may be for their handheld only. The problem is some of the latest rumors are that MS might be going the handheld route and their next gaming device might be a hybrid that uses ARM. One of the most prominent leaks is that their Surface division may be in charge of design for the new machine and they plan to use ARM. We'll see how it goes but this doesn't look promising so far.
  20. Those rose colored glasses are powerful
  21. What exactly would be the benefit of harming the economy and population by that much? Immigrants Contribute Greatly to U.S. Economy, Despite Administration’s “Public Charge” Rule Rationale | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (cbpp.org) Immigrants are significantly less likely to commit crimes than the U.S.-born - Northwestern Now Could the U.S. Population Shrink? | PRB
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