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  2. Your asking a question as if that was what i said. I said they released more 1p games on PC than PS5 this year. That is a FACT. I never said they released PC exclusives. Is this your routine now? Act dumb on purpose to start a jerry go round? Mr GED lmfao retarded as fuck
  3. Sony is being as 3rd party as Xbox WAS, that's what you're not getting. They're following Microsoft's footsteps in a slightly more delayed manner.
  4. What games did they release in 2024 for PC that wasn't released on a Playstation console? It's not complicated.
  5. It'll be 10 years before MS publishes a game that hits on all levels like The Last of Us 2 or God of war Ragnarok. No MS team is close.
  6. damn, it couldn't get an 8 at gs or hold an 81. sad.
  7. I literally did, but fine let me make it simpler. JonB: What do you think will happen in 5 years? Cell: Dictated by hardware, Sony have no need to put games on Xbox, unless Xbox change and become number one Sony still no put games on Xbox now or in 5 years. And you use the word meltdown to lightly, you've been salty as fuck for days. I genuinely think you need to have one of your breaks from Systemwars.
  8. 4/10, epic flop ... This means the Metacritic has also gone down now...
  9. Today
  10. Yeah sure I'll answer it, as long as Sony have a huge majority in hardware sales they can do what the fuck they want, they're certainly not going to risk putting games on Xbox when it has an install base 5 times smaller and will potentially risk there own sales. PC is different and Sony can get away with delayed releases as that's the way the PC market has been for years. Whatever Nintendo does next will only have games on it from Sony when it makes sense as the install base on their next console will likely mirror the switch. Also, the reason why Sony doesn't have to put anything on Xbo
  11. Why are you answering a question with a question? Didn’t you say that was a bitch response recently?
  12. Lol Remi is just shit talking. I don't think he's militant about any of this like some of the other Xbox wierdos in here. He's able to at least have a sense of humor about MS and Xbox.
  13. 5 years ago what would you have said if I told you Sony would port every big game to pc, they focus on GAAS that are day one on PC , they put spin offs on Nintonto, have a game on gamepass and put out more Sony 1p games on PC in 2024 than they did Playstation ? Please answer this Now look where we are now . Imagine another 5 years. You are fucking DUMB as fuck ROFL
  14. as a game, it's awful. the 4 is spot on. as an cinematic experience, it's a 7.5. heavily flawed, but enjoyable.
  15. The only BS being spewed is the BS from the Lems that MS and Sony are following equivalent strategies RIGHT NOW. They're absolutely not. Whilst both are maximising profit, so far Sony have said and also acted on a strategy which sees them release their main, AAAE single player games on PlayStation first with a release on PC a year later. They have released a Lego game on switch as they said it makes sense with the switch's family friendly install base. They have released nothing on Xbox. They said all along they would consider it on a game by game basis and where it makes sense to have multipl
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