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  1. Past hour
  2. No , but I remember how much of a dated pos Ditch is. And how it looks likes 360 and has a joycon fail rate on par with rrod Nobody cares about " this looks great for Ditch" damage control
  3. End your mother fucking life you worthless scumbag piece of shit. 🖕


    I hope you go full Chris Benoit you worthless aashole. 

  4. Coward little ass pirate. 

  5. Do you even remember the specs of the 360?
  6. You be on da pass all year since sony stopped making games
  7. Yesterday
  8. I still think God of War III looks impressive.
  9. A bunch of 6ers. Right up the lemmings ally.
  10. Flintlock looks decent Cows playing sea of thieves
  11. Flock - July 16 Magical Delicacy - July 16 Dungeons of Hinterberg - July 18 Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn - July 18 Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess - July 19 Frostpunk 2 - July 25 Not a bad lineup. Dungeons of Hinterberg and Flintlock have potential. And Kunitsu-Gami is that dope looking capcom game which I think is guaranteed to be good.
  12. It's crazy how many more games Nintonto and MS have over Nony
  13. i hated it lol. cool atmosphere, but i had no idea what i was doing. man, things have changed.
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