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  1. Past hour
  2. Watching Nintendo content is like going back in time to 2004. They barely make any games they couldn't have done on the Gamecube.
  3. I’m just a few talisman and merchant bells from being fully ready with my new run just copped the dragoncrest greatshield talisman my body is ready I’m glad I started a new character on PC.
  4. Not my kind of game. But good for the people who like them I guess.
  5. Oh look it’s the poors committing crimes again
  6. https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-dlc-review https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-dlc-review-kill-them-with-kindness/1900-6418243/ https://www.metacritic.com/game/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree/ FROM don't miss.
  7. Cows forget Sony said this a few months ago Another driver will be first-party titles. Strong titles that achieve growth on PS5, PCs, and other platforms will widen our margins. We believe that we have opportunities for margin improvement and intend to pursue them aggressively.
  8. Today
  9. Apparently this is the best expansion Destiny has seen the previous one was mediocre.
  10. how is this good Sony news? It’s a third party game, made by a third party developer, owned by Sony. If MS makes a good game, TLHBO because it’s on other platforms. So why aren’t the Cows owned here? oh wait, you’re a hypocrite Cow who still plays PS4. Why is that so common around here?
  11. https://x.com/gematsu/status/1802945852689801265 Oh shit lets fucking go! Hopefully this means the OG trilogy is getting a re-release for modern platforms. Maybe a possible announcement during the Nintendo Direct??
  12. So basically Xbox fanboys won the Sytem Wars since even good Sony news is bad for Playstation and good for Xbox? Lol
  13. More stat drops and how conservative media works to keep the crime wave narrative going.
  14. Sure it will. Sot ps5 sales will prob fund lotf2 and still rapes the cows day one on da pass
  15. "funding da pass " the funds they made so far wont even cover the price they paid to get Lords of the Fallen 2 and Still Wakes the Deep on game pass
  16. never gonna happen Sinking Ship already sank... in 2 weeks
  17. Cows gleefully funding "da pass" We will buy these old ganes so you can get new game for free on da pass owned
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