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  2. Literally everything is going to to end up coming Halo on PS going to kill whats left of the poor lemmings
  3. Xbox continually setting new benchmarks
  4. Jon didn't bring that up.. you were the one that brought up that stupid question based off the fact that Sony is releasing more games on PC this year than console. Whether those games released already on console is irrelevant. How in the world did Sony get to the point where the majority of games they are releasing in a single year are ports to other platforms instead of releases for their own console? You may not care enough to ask that question, but you know damn well PS fanboys are asking that question internally. They're ALREADY beginning to feel like second clas
  5. The score range for this game is wild.
  6. just finished True Detective S4. It was definitely a 7. It doesn't really pick up until near the very end. Jodie Foster is great in it and is the highlight of the show overall.
  7. Hunter is a private citizen not running for the office of the presidency while Trump is.... So yes the difference is Stark
  8. Today
  9. Doesn't look like begging to me. It certainly looks like reaching for you though.
  10. Lol this is almost exactly what developers at Xbox were saying before the rift.
  11. The true answer is a medium between the two, but as I said the ATF definition held more constitutional standing. The FBI was too heavy handed with their definition and restricted purchases from people who had no business being restricted.
  12. The big difference is that the ATF rule only prevents people from buying guns outside of their states lines while the FBI sought to prevent these people from buying guns inside their own states.
  13. How exactly? We're educated on the law, the bureaucratic agencies themselves, firearm and crime statistics, government legislation etc. The reality is most people who are not us are the dumb ones. They don't care, they don't have an investment or any interest in being honest. They just want to infringe on the second amendment by pushing intentionally incomplete narratives and refuse to acknowledge what the problems actually are.
  14. Facts >> your feelings. The facts are , Sony will release more games on PC this year than ps5. You don't own a ps5 or gaming PC. Why are you so emotionally invested in trying to disprove FACTS? You're weird af
  15. Tried a couple of other steam fest demos I am Your Beast - This one was my favorite. Stylish, fast paced, score chasing game with short levels that reminded me a bit of Neon White. The whole vibe of it immediately appealed to me. Dungeons of Hinterberg - Like an indie spin on Persona with its own unique style. I liked this one more than I expected to based on the footage i've seen. What I will say is that the one character who I spent time with was not that interesting. I think how impressive the game will be will ultimately depend on the quality of the writing and the charac
  16. Lol go look at any of the Sony fanatic sites. Previously released games or not people are losing their minds because PC is getting a 3:1 ratio of PlayStation games.
  17. Worse? That's your opinion. The FBI definition was far too broad and restricted firearms rights from people with FTA warrants and other nonsensical legal issues. You could be restricted for parking ticket warrants lmao. Is the ATF definition perfect? By no means, but it falls into line with the constitution far more that what the FBI had on the books.
  18. There is no dancing. It's a fact. Sony will release more games on PC this year than they will on ps5. This is not a debate. You cannot argue facts.
  19. That changes what exactly? That he went with the worse option? And lol at being a gun nut like they aren't some of the dumbest people in the country.
  20. This is a half true and you're trying to act like you had something. You're talking to a "gun nut" you fucking imbecile, I'll bury you at every turn. The FBI and ATF disagreed on the definition of what a fugitive of justice was causing a clear contradiction between agencies. The Trump administration sided with the ATF definition. The end, full stop. It's not that controversial.
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