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  2. No, I think you're going to take these words, which were translated... and run with them... because Teh Xbawkz bad LMAO like I said, do you think GTA6 will be only 25% "bigger in scope" than GTA5 because of Series S?? You guys are absolute CLOWNS sometimes
  3. I'm not slipping anything in.. CLEARLY I'm referencing in the time frame that it's been out because I know other Sony games have sold more over longer periods of time See, this is the shit one has to do with retards like you who absolutely know that I know that.. and know what I'm referring to... but just want to argue anyway.. You make me have to state the obvious, because you ALWAYS miss it
  4. Your little hasbro handhelds hold back gaming more than Series S LOL
  5. Yea, I think all of us are going to take the words of the game’s PRODUCER over a System Wars village idiot like you. Sorry Lemij, you’re a complete retard without a clue damage controlling a potato powered console that multiple developers have already come out and called a piece of shit making their work harder. You’ve already lost whatever argument you’re trying to make here before you’ve even started.
  6. You went from saying it's Sony's best selling, to now slipping in "for that time frame".. Lmfao. For that time frame it was the fastest but Helldivers 2 is not Sony's best selling game.. Wrong again slimy J.
  7. For the time frame, yes it is. Or wait, that's Hellblade 2.. Thanks PC And lol bringing up Xbox like I give a fuck
  8. I should mention textures also scale down... and lower resolutions require less RAM, also reducing bandwith contention for the GPU/CPU. They're not forced to run at visual parity with the PS5/Series X I can talk with such conviction because other games out there will do, or have done, better.. This is absolutely a wrong statement, or was completely botch in translation, and I would not be surprised to see the developer come out and clarify
  9. That Spiderman 2 is their best selling game ever... Sure it eclipses everything on Xbox... But Spiderman 2 is not the best selling Sony game ever.
  10. Bbbbbut The devs are lying guiz If MS didn't have a parity mandate for series S, there wouldn't be an issue.
  11. The idiot is now claiming to know more than the game’s development than the game’s producer. You can’t make this shit up You fucking retard, of course the Series S has RAM that’s faster than a consoles that came out 11 years ago. That’s not a flex you idiot, that’s expected but it’s still slow as fuck you retard compared to the much faster unified RAM architecture in the PS5 or modern day PCs. The game is also a sequel to the last gen game, you don’t know what kind of increased RAM requirements the new game has with better assets and graphics. You fucki
  12. You're a clown dude. These devs are so full of shit for that statement. About as full of shit as you are typically I guess they were also limited to 30fps by the shitty PS5 and Series X CPUs huh? I'm sure the first game also ran like complete shit because they limited themselves last time too, right? On those HARDDRIVES connected to 5-6GB of available RAM last gen.. Twinky, the way I can know these developers are full of shit.... is because there are other developers creating games with FAR bigger scope.. and will release on Series S just fine. But hey, I'm sur
  13. how much if it did you play. or did you?
  14. yep and one that seems like itll never happen
  15. Today
  16. I said ages ago that Series S would hold games back, and nobody believed me. But of course remij the armchair tech expert is going to come in here and act like he knows more than actual developers
  17. Honestly the world should be 25% smaller. It was already too big
  18. It's crazy that Bungie convinced Sony that Naughty Dog's The Last of Us multiplayer game wasn't good enough, but Concord was a go
  19. Moron Series S has faster memory than last gen, and not only that, Series S has FAR faster I/O to that memory. The speed of the SSD on the Series S is the same as the Series X. That means it takes less time to fill Series S RAM than it would Series X. So not only can Series S load data in and out of RAM a bajillion times faster than last gen consoles... the CPU and GPU can access that data far quicker too. The Series S has an 8GB / 2GB split... the memory that is accessible by the game on a Series S is the faster bandwidth memory.. Series S also has a dedicated decompre
  20. its not amazing but its a solid effort. fans have been crying for him to just go back to this stuff for well over a decade now and its the closest hes gotten to it also a lot of people are happy. Everyone on the eminem subreddit is having their after sex cigarette today cuz they all collectively blew their loads..
  21. This retard still damage controlling the Series Potato years later Watch him come out and say he isn’t a lemming after exposing his dumbass like this. Never go full retard Lemij. You're forgetting that in addition to having less RAM, the Series Potato has slower and split RAM. Fucking imbecile It’s not just the RAM capacity that’s an issue idiot, it’s the RAM speed and the fact that it’s split between fast and much slower RAM. You should know this since you claim to be a Hermit Go ahead and tell us how much more you know about the game’s d
  22. LMFAO game world size in no way scales linearly with RAM size.. "25% more RAM = 25% bigger than predecessor" is the most ridiculously stupid thing I've heard in a long time Firetard posting anything negative he can find about Xbox... even when it's clearly bullshit
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