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  2. Tell me Jenny. Can you summarise the point of this thread in a sentence?
  3. No you won't. You don't even finish the Sony ones Have fun pretending to play the inferior versions of games I'll actually play GingerCell HBFR
  4. Officer Jenny reporting for duty. Good job I'll be playing all your games as well as Sony's isn't it you buffoon.
  5. If remij does the tucking , OverCuck does the sucking
  6. I don't believe you have one considering all the tucking you do.
  7. OverCuck getting destroyed itt like Sonys 1p line up this year
  8. Only two of the most recognizable characters in all of popular culture... vs.... a new IP nobody had ever heard of before
  9. Yes. Now get off my dick
  10. https://www.pcgamesn.com/starfield/review-bomb-paid-mods https://store.steampowered.com/app/1716740/Starfield/
  11. https://x.com/klobrille/status/1802392667852050834 Tbh its not such an impressive number when you take into account Spiderman and Mario Wonder were on one console only.
  12. JFC.. you're retarded.
  13. Then I say again, I say again, what the fuck is your point? Xbox's best games are coming to PlayStation, TCHBO! Xbox's AAAE's are going to be the number one sellers on the PlayStation store! Fuck you retard PlayStation owners! What the fuck is this dude. I'll cry into my gears of war save.
  14. How are YOU this dumb... I'm not a lemming moron and don't give a shit how many games hit the PS console. MS has a better upcoming announced slate than Playstation.. that's what I'm saying.. I'm well aware you fucking clowns are looking forward to Xbox games releasing on PS more than anything Sony has announced. Xbox games will be on Playstation's top selling charts for months to come
  15. Today
  16. How are you this dumb - it would probably own the lems MORE if they were better and then they all ended up on the PlayStation regardless.
  17. This thread is about MS' upcoming games being better than anything Sony has announced. This thread is about why you guys are making threads begging for these Xbox games instead of posting upcoming Playstation games... LOL And they're all going to be best on PC
  18. Then what the fuck is thread about, you've literally made a thread about potentially 7 games coming to Playstation and 4 games coming to Xbox.
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