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  1. Past hour
  2. Tried it again , still sucks. You'll be fighting someone and just get backstabbed from some random shit. Lock on is weird itg too. The umbrul or w e stuff makes the game feel sloppy. Bomb throwing enemies , trash The game doesn't gave framegen in the options but it runs at 120fps at high settings on my pc so I guess it's just on ?and this is after a bunch of patches I beat the first mini boss easily then you fight another boss, I died and tried again and the boss wasn't there so I guess that was supposed to happen who knows Also died another tim
  3. I'm on your friend's list, retard
  4. you didn't know! goofy white boys (GWB) own the game son. it goes NWA, ODB, TLC, FBI,...GWB #1.
  5. Today
  6. A 2D Mario game destroyed Spider-Man 2 Palworld destroyed Spider-Man 2 on PC alone Helldivers 2 sold best on PC over PS State of Playstation PC porting.. that's all PS fans are talking about.. Temporary exclusives are all PS fans have POSVR2 coming to PC
  7. It was on psn plus , idiot. I tried all the Sony 1p games ( back when Sony made them)
  8. Almost 4 years in and we are up to 2 games that devs had problems with on series s LMAO it's so dire
  9. Yesterday
  10. LOL oh, right, we should just take every developers unique situation into consideration when criticizing or disagreeing with something they've said or decisions they've made for their games and not ever compare them Here's a hint for you. Many of those smaller devs do indeed struggle... because their ambitions are too great for their capabilities. Just because a studio doesn't have time or resources into making something work, does not mean that the hardware is at fault. They just don't have the time or resources...
  11. Not slipping anything in. Not my fault you knew exactly what I meant but just HAD to argue with me. And you're pathetically going to keep Gouko-rounding it
  12. What kind of comparison is that? Sure with enough time and resources devs can work around the Series S' limitations, but not every Studio is Rockstar. Many smaller devs have struggled with Series S throughout the entire gen.
  13. You went from saying best ever.. To trying to slip in "during that time frame" in later replies. Slimy J 🤥...your own words betray you. Go argue with yourself about you saying best selling ever
  14. Cope, seethe, cry, jump off a bridge, nothing changes the fact that multiple game devs including the Producer of this game have said the Series S is holding them back. These are their words not mine. As a retard, you have ZERO experience in game development of any kind. I doubt you've ever written a line of code in life so you have no level of expertise when it comes to game development. I could listen to the words of a retard like you that's a couch engineer or I could listen to the actual game developers making the games, very easy choice for me. I cho
  15. Literally bundled since release for the regular MSRP of the system... "Sold" 11 million
  16. Vatniks tried a blietkrieg to Kharkiv and got bogged down in a city on the border they were supposed to capture in 2 days….3 weeks ago and still only control 30% of it. They’re also completely stuck on the south and east, and are sustaining more losses than they’ve had in months thanks to the arrival of fresh U.S munitions ‘The goals will be achieved!!1’
  17. No, I think you're going to take these words, which were translated... and run with them... because Teh Xbawkz bad LMAO like I said, do you think GTA6 will be only 25% "bigger in scope" than GTA5 because of Series S?? You guys are absolute CLOWNS sometimes
  18. I'm not slipping anything in.. CLEARLY I'm referencing in the time frame that it's been out because I know other Sony games have sold more over longer periods of time See, this is the shit one has to do with retards like you who absolutely know that I know that.. and know what I'm referring to... but just want to argue anyway.. You make me have to state the obvious, because you ALWAYS miss it
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