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  2. They never had values.
  3. Not as far as yous but it's ok at best and frustrating at worst. Still performance issues and I am not a fan of the Umbral shit at all.
  4. Im on the 4th boss. Died about 10 times. Probably where im going to tap out. I cannot see the outcome changing.
  5. Oh, a Nintendo fanboy saying quantity is better than quality. Interesting.
  6. Fuck, good thing I returned that 240hz 4K OLED lol.
  7. Yes, less people rapping and less people listening to rap is good for the genre lmfao What a take
  8. There is no indication it was a sham trial. Unless you believe the 12 jurors were paid off and the evidence was falsified. I would require some pretty major and substantial citation regarding this. Can you find a neutral or more centrist source non-editorial showing this? Like AP or VOX (just examples there are many more)? Trump lost this case because the evidence was extremely clear cut. He has an even bigger chance to lose both Jack Smith cases as the evidence for both of those cases is even more substantial (they got that shit on video homeboy). Were all 60 cases he lost when t
  9. That's so pathetic lol. Stop funding the blue state that funds red states? AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states | AP News
  10. Also lol its still funny he unanimously lost the relatively weakest case against him. He has ZERO chance against both Jack Smith cases, Smith has insane evidence. Straight up video tapes, emails, texts, documents, etc. Guy is totally guilty of those. Problem is if Trump wins he could straight up cancel those.
  11. Stupidity does trigger me. So what exactly did he do right? All of his policies were written by some one else. McConnell handed Trump the Supreme Court nominees, ran interference for him, and the white house policies all received over 90% party support other than the China tariffs. I've never seen Trump talk about any policies other than "they are great" and he never makes a mistake. All of his personal projects failed other than the COVID vaccine that his supporters hate. We're going on almost 2 years of you defending every criticism regardless of evidence while also claiming you
  12. Yesterday
  13. That's what I'm thinking . Unless it was a double ko idk. I spawned back at the spawn point. The 3rd boss what a fucker . Why in these games do they not let you spawn at the boss. Nope, gotta walk 5 mins go down some elevators just to get your ass whipped again 🤪
  14. Oh cool, usually people feel commercialization of art a bad thing but brainless people are usually fine with it.
  15. Prove all 12 jurors were Democrats. This is extremely unlikely given the selection process used. Polls show over half don't see it because it's not there. He fucked up. You should be more upset at Trump for objectively and factually having commit these felonies, not the law. Also it's funny to see the "law and order party" show their true colors. They don't give a flying fuck about law and order. Only if it's people they don't like, hence those abortion bans or blocking cannabis legalization or now trying to get rid of contraceptives. Laws for thee but not fo
  16. Regardless what Kidblade says, the Russians aren't bogged down. They made considerable progress and wreaked considerable havoc on Ukraine in May, showing vast superiority in manpower and arsenal. There's a reason why NATO secretary general plead for other NATO countries to give Ukraine the green light for strikes in Russian territories with long range missiles, there's a reason why Zelensky is pleading for 7 more patriot systems and that reason, whatever it is, is not because they are doing well on the frontline. The war is escalating with regular nuclear threats comin
  17. Yeah she probably bugged out somehow and the game assumed she was dead so it gave you the souls and let you progress forward.
  18. It said something about heresy and gave me 6000 souls. So it was something that happened. I just dont know what.
  19. I googled this because I was curious and could not find anything about the boss just disappearing. You might have run into a super rare bug of some kind
  20. More than half of them were convicted while Trump was president and the case against Trump the investigation started in 2018 while Trump was president Oh shit... Trump did say he would drain the swamp.. He was playing 4d chess this whole time.. And he did drain the swamp after all.. Including himself
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