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  1. Past hour
  2. Biden dying just means we get Kamala and the millennial Democrat bureaucracy like Pete Buttcheeks.
  3. Unfortunately, it just shows you made a title change. Only edited posts, in the body, will display the original message.
  4. LOL classic butthurt post right here. He can't win an argument so he joins the other losers who constantly lose arguments to me so they can circle jerk each other to feel better InCell
  5. Today
  6. if you pay attention to Tuckij he lies quite a lot, it normally happens when he pivots towards some new narrative to win an argument which directly flies against the things he said in the weeks or months previous. Also when he starts Tucking he backs himself into corners which break down his own arguments. He spends the most time lying when he's actually denying he never said or did something though. Dude bullshits more than my 3 year old.
  7. Like I said, Top Dog. I got my preorder in. And quite frankly, its a good deal, its $40 for two games, and we're getting a game that has never been released in the west before, so its a new game release. I might be interested in DKCR HD, just to have a copy of it along with the second game, but only if its $30 or under.
  8. The Switch version will absolutely Steam roll the other versions. Switch is the defacto systems for visuals novels right now.
  9. The PS5 Pro reveal will come in a few months, maybe theyre saving some Games for the reveal?
  10. i immediately predicted his Midnight Meltdown, and sure enough he did. All the while, as he desperately tried to find a way to spin out and try and turn it on me..........three simple words that completely checkmate'd him were sitting in his original post this entire time. He truly was blinded by anger. Awwww, such fun.
  11. Another Lemij backfire thread The retard never does any research before he hits the "Create Topic" button.
  12. Kinda low effort but still better than Boeing stuck on 3DS and Wii. Now where the fuck are the Zelda TP and Windwaker remasters.
  13. Their last game Rain Code got announced for PS5 9 months after it came to Switch. I expect the same here.
  14. He just abandoned his own argument, and tried to run to Bald Cucky Dick Tucky Oh man, as if he couldn't make his L any more obvious Thanks for losing!!!! I hadn't even tried to bitchslap down into the ground in weeks, but it clearly looks like my bitchslapping hand works just fine. LOL i got him angry, look at that post. Don't drop your phone off the couch you're sleeping on. You already know that you've been caught. Now you're losing your shit again. Its funny..............you actually THOUGHT FOR A
  15. LOL Your honor, he's not reading what he posted right!!! He meant this!!!................ No, by that post I meant Sony is publishing games that they aren't developing.....on platforms other than their own.... Dude... Sony IS a 3rd party publisher... I don't need to beat around the fucking bush to say that moron OMFG this guy came back just to make a complete fool of himself
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