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  2. i love calling people retards. fuck that "don't drop the hard r crap"... i call people retards at work...because they are retards.
  3. Or maybe you guys spend too much time on the internet
  4. Now the fake sheep uses GS he won't even play this game but RUSHES to defend it LOL
  5. Yea but Starfield has a higher Meta Damn... crazy how Starfield is pure trash, but this game is amazing!
  6. A fun battle system that doesn't wear out its welcome Plenty of content to dig through Some really cool set pieces that compare hand-in-hand to genre leaders
  7. Every individual section just goes on a little too long dull sidequests that very often require you to retrace your steps through previous levels with very little done to make the return trip feel unique or rewarding. lmfao
  8. lmao yea I don't get it either. It reminds me of that time that Linus from LTT thought that "the hard r" was referring to "retard" and was talking on his podcast about casually using it in the past and his co-host was shocked like "WTF, you're admitting to just causally saying the hard r in the past on air" lmfao... Then he clarified with him what it meant and was like.. yea I pretty sure it's public knowledge that it means "the n-word" and he didn't realize it Here it is LOL
  9. Today
  10. Really? So what would "hard R" typically be used for?
  11. I had to google it. Literally the first time i‘ve heard of that being some kind of racist slur.
  12. The graffiti says "Hard R" You should know what that refers to.
  13. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/stellar-blade-review-nier-as-it-can-get/1900-6418215/ And currently 82 at MC. My predictions were nearly spot on
  14. Holy shit.. that's kinda crazy I saw a post on ERA of some guy blaming white americans for this The game was made in Korea ffs
  15. Not short enough. Every time i did mushrooms it was still about half the length of an acid trip, which for me now its still a considerably long time.
  16. The first time I took acid I was driving around lol. wtf is wrong with me. anyway, I stopped at a gas station and they had hot foods. The chicken and fries grew arms and danced to the music on the store radio. I laughed so hard. They def knew I was on drugs.
  17. All VR is dead. It was DOA and will continue to be. Nobody cares about VR.
  18. well, I do think if anyone is successful in the category it will be apple. I just think VR sucks. But apple has a better chance at succeeding because it’s not attempting to making a gaming headset but rather productivity. Vr will always be 2-3 gens behind when it comes to gaming, and that will never be good enough for me. Productivity tho… if I can eliminate my 4 monitors in my office for one headset… that sounds great. maybe in 5 years or so. The cost has to be 2k or less as well.
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