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  1. Today
  2. I'm not sure if I would call the guys at fresh and fit bigots, sexism definitely but racism? Not really. It's more like insecure and shallow hive mind thinking (they all say the same shit, like an endless echo chamber). They feed on the insecurity of a generation for clout and trying to sell you on a narrative. Sometimes they do bring legitimate issues but it's also twisted to feed the narrative. If you're not tall, jacked and make 6 figures a year YOU WIL NEVER GET A WOMAN. Also, the same people trying to tell you woman in her 30s who hasn't settled down yet is damag
  3. Actually he's probably doing this so he looks weak and frail enough that they won't mobilize him
  4. Perfect way to prepare for mobilization.
  5. You're gonna look like a lot of things but shredded is definitely not one of them
  6. What a dumb idea. You're going to lose a significant amount of muscle and look worse overall.
  7. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/funding-goals $500-million to $600-million took 12 months. $600-million to $700-million took 9. People are increasing the rate at which they spend money on this.
  8. Don’t worry. Reddit is turning into an LLM repository. At that point you can just tell some GPT your thoughts and move on.
  9. I brought these guys up over a year and a half ago and was told I was told to not look at them. The biggest reason for the rise is to overall tidal wave of right wing media filtering its way to the latest alt right movement. If you look at all of the influencers in this arena and they act like the most right wing conservative you can imagine. They are obviously sexist, but also racist, xenophobic, and conspiracy theorist aka Anti-woke.
  10. Not like his fat ass had any muscle to show. The most exercise he gets is carrying his massive video games collection around and the occasional sucking on a tranny's cock.
  11. Stupid, ur gonna look like an aids patient not shredded
  12. Playstation ain't shit anymore in Japan if you really want to be real about it. Nintendo is the only platform it makes sense for them to partner with for marketing. The best years of Final Fantasy were on Playstation, but the best years of Dragon Quest were on Nintendo. It just makes sense to me. It's not really "preferred treatment" but just an honest read of their market in Japan. There will be nothing wrong with Dragon Quest games tailored around the Switch 2 hardware.. cmon now.
  13. Square Enix giving the preferred treatment for a Nintendo system again after all this time would absolutely disgust me.
  14. There are easier ways to do die, Victor.
  15. I am bombarded by this new culture woman/men war and want nothing to do with it. It's so redundant and so out of touch with reality. It's always the same subjects. Dudes freaking out that beautiful women racked up like 10 different men in bed (it's actually 16). What's your body count? I'm just some ugly bloke and I have gotten tons of pussy. Like what the fuck people. Then they find the most delusional social media attention seeking type girls and pretend that's all there fucking is out there. That every chick is out to get your wallet. Maybe
  16. No food at all only salt, potassium and magnesium . Plan to tough it out for 60 days to hit a perfect shredded body. Wish me luck
  17. Yesterday
  18. One of the leakers said we should see it at the Nintendo Direct coming up in June. Someone asked them if they think it's just DQ3 or the entire trilogy.. and he said he thinks it's the entire trilogy. Oh man.. if so I'll be so god damn happy. I mean, obviously they're going to do the entire trilogy like this, but just having it confirmed, or even an actual trilogy release... would be incredible. This is already a good sign that SquareEnix are learning. They should absolutely be pushing on Switch/Switch 2 with Dragon Quest especially. THAT is the platform to
  19. FF Pixel Remasters were excellent. Dragon Quest was always called Dragon Quest in Japan. Toriyama, the Dragonball artist has ALWAYS been the main artist designer of the series. Most of the monster designs comes from the first four games and are typical Toriyama designs you find in Dragon Ball. Dragon Quest is basically the longest running franchise that has barely ever changed it's formula. And for the better, because that's exactly the reason why it's better than Final Fantasy. Also, you're an idiot.
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