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  1. Past hour
  2. Repressed homosexual, drug fiend and a women beater. Also probably a pedophile. The P Diddler.
  3. It's crazy because no one knows where this video came from. Dude had one of the most beautiful women in the world and was beating her and making her have sex with other dudes. He's fucked up on levels that even his old NYC rumors were tame in comparison.
  4. Today
  5. Good. Just imagine all the sick shit that fucker has done throughout his lifetime..
  6. Sit this motherfucker next to R Kelly.
  7. Whats funny is how many Asian themed productions have starred white characters who wound up in Asia and none of the Hitler youth of gaming and movies ever have a problem with it.
  8. He's constantly hosting photo shoots with celebs back in Japan, manages to get many of them to star in his games, and now he's getting invited to exclusive movie screenings and mingling with the creators and cast What a treasure. Gaming wouldn't be the same without him
  9. That's not what I've seen. Yasuke is a very well known figure in Japan that has been in numerous Japanese games, movies, books etc.
  10. Oh god I'm so torn because Bloodborne is so fucking overrated but so is Elden Ring and I just don't have the inner will to try to use Elden Ring to diss Bloodborne.
  11. And you’ll be playing this one 100% on Gamepass, LOL. He thinks because he made his profile private I can’t just type on his name on Xbox and see what he’s playing, LOL. that gamer score just keeps going up
  12. A steamdeck like native PS Portable would be awesome. Full library carries over and just scales. Would be an instant purchse.
  13. Cue Cooke pretending he has heard this for the first time.. Rinse and repeat.
  14. I like how he's scrambling to find anything. Even though I've said multiple times on this forum that I love playing CoD single player campaigns. LOL he also left Ghost behind, guess he couldn't save him.
  15. And Trump is? Trump is in diapers for crying out loud
  16. Xbox doesnt suck. MS sucks. PSPGo did 100 percent suck tho that thing was a POS
  17. Ah...............so you'll help women and minorities help voice their complaints when they feel like they are properly represented? You're saying you're going to help amiplify their message, like you're doing here on behalf of those poor japanese men?
  18. So, even in your jerry fanfic, you still buy Sony products? Damn, Xbox must suck that badly
  19. Video of Diddy beating up Cassie. Dude's such a piece of shit.
  20. Will probably follow the same tired SonySoft template. Cant really be excited for that. (looks better than GOT tho)
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