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  1. Past hour
  2. In what world should he have a bigger lead? And based on what? His incoherence? His handling of the economy? He failure in Ukraine and Gaza? He's a mumbling idiot.
  3. Looks like she's agreeing to marriage I think she's scared to loose me.
  4. Biden should have a bigger lead but he really dropped the ball when it came to Israel and Gaza
  5. Today
  6. I can't wait for what their combined age of 159 will produce. The only reason to watch this is morbid curiosity. And of course both are too cowardly to debate RFK. His numbers are trending up and they want to debate before he reaches the threshold of 15%
  7. Prior to that Trump was shitting on Johnson hence MTG going after him. Now that Johnson and Trump have a bromance again.. MTG will back off.
  8. They “won” by getting outsold 5 to 1 worldwide, abandoning their console hardware and becoming cucks like you by porting all their games to their biggest rival PlayStation You have a twisted definition of what winning means. No wonder you’re a certified Cuck.
  9. MS did win the war you dolt. Sony is literally following their footsteps, releasing games on PC now.. soon to be everywhere. They’re copying every MS move possible. get that pre order going for halo
  10. These retards spent $500 and years damage controlling the privilege to beta test PS5 ports of Xbox games
  11. What a glorious meltdown. This retard just 6 months ago was claiming that MS had won the console war with their buyout of ABK. Now he’s crying that everything is coming to Playstation including his precious HaloGearsForza. Gonna be hilarious watching you seethe on the day Halo, Starfield, Gears, and Forza get announced for PS5 The retards didn’t realize they were cheering for the death of Xbox when the deal finally completed
  12. The forum has voted unanimously that Ghostz is the biggest freak.
  13. Xbox users will play the games on a sub. PS owners spending $60 on halo after talking shit about it for the last 20 years tho.. now that’s priceless
  14. botw was an incomplete, overrated tech demo. totk was the complete game.
  15. No one would imagine Halo on PlayStation even 5 years ago. Lemmings would have a meltdown, but now that it’s happening they’re all on board with new damage control. Megacorp is gonna milk ya now
  16. Nintendo isn’t a leader, but they have carved out a nice space for themselves in the industry.
  17. Lol Zelda is so far above anything this gen it’s not even really funny. Only BOTW compares.
  18. How many millions is MS gonna make off Halo being ported to PS5? It’s going to be the highest selling FPS in PS history, LMAO! At $60 a pop none the less. They might charge $70 for Master Chief collection… they saw Sony milking the fuck out of Cows and said, “WE WANT IN!!!!” LMAO!!!
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