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  2. dude... get real.. There's one side who already admitted "going to their house because they wont come to ours"... Sony has NO power and NO sway over the PC player base. They either accept it, or they fuck off... and PC gamers have no problem telling Sony to fuck off. Except... Sony wont... because they're DEPENDENT on PC for future growth prospects... and they've seen the potential already. Sony will learn a lesson that they can't allow people to buy a game for months, and then suddenly change something, making it no longer accessible to a large audience due to som
  3. I'm talking about their future plans idiot, not their current plan right now. It's too late to reverse course on releasing GAAS games day and date to PC but it's definitely not too late to rethink the rollout of a PC launcher or PSN integration with trophy support. Sony are not in a desperate situation like MS. That's just Copium from you retard lems because MS is in a world of shit with Xbox and you guys want Sony desperately to be in there with them too. They are printing money off the PS5, just the royalties they get from games like COD and Fortnite is enough to sustain
  4. They've been successful sure... but their margins are razor thin these days. They actually ARE in a desperate situation, because the cost of development and expectations for their games isn't going to stop. It takes 5-6 years for most of these games at least.. and it's getting harder and harder for them to satisfy their fanbase. You thinking that they can just lower the number of games they make... and coast... is exactly why they're desperate.. Because they can't just do that. Arrowhead have proven they can make great games. Sony doesn't own them (yet).. and I'm sure there ar
  5. Sony has been successful for eons without PC gamers and they'll continue to be successful without PC gamers if they choose to do so. Their PC move is just greed, plain and simple. They aren't in a desperate situation like MS is where they need to port their games to PC to stay alive. If you look at the split in revenue between their console and PC initiatives, PC revenue is a drop in the bucket. They are trying to improve their margins and increase profit like every other greedy corporation. If games are costing too much they can always lower the number of AAA games they rel
  6. This IP isn't shit without the developer and PC gamers, lets be honest. Sony aren't going to do anything regarding their PC initiative. You guys don't seem to understand who has all the power here. Sony are the ones who absolutely need PC for growth potential. That's just a simple fact. Sony is NOT going to change their plans for growth because of this. They're also not stupid in the fact that they know it's because they're doing this months after the game released. This isn't an issue because it's just asking for an account.. it's an issue because they're making it a requir
  7. Not like the devs can do shit about it, Sony owns the IP Like I said, Sony will probably cave and change their TOS and PSN requirement by Monday. Everyone will forget this bullshit and shit will go back to business as usual. The problem is, I don't think Sony themselves will forget this fiasco. If anything, it's going to make them more cautious going forward with their PC initiative. The only thing this hurts at the end of the day is people that are hoping that Sony brings all their games day and date to PC. I still see Sony launching their GAAS games day
  8. This is the biggest unforced fuck up in recent times Like I said, they should have been well advised that you can't just change shit after the fact and expect it to go down smoothly. If it would have been like this from the start, nobody would have said shit. Problem is they knowingly sold the game in regions where it was impossible for people to make PSN accounts without breaking their TOS.. lmao. Now they've officially stopped selling the game in those regions, although I'm not sure if that was Sony's decision specifically, or whether Valve stepped in themselves.
  9. I liked it better when the hits were this personal. Like That hit because you knew it would was a dis and against you but there was a double meaning to everything and it is as comparing their legacies. Telling dude you're sad she gave birth to a n***a and shit, God damn.
  10. It's deeper than that and Valve stepped in. PSN is not available in 177 countries, yes 177 out of 195... They just had to restrict purchasing in all of those regions for the potential of an unusable game. This isn't being overblown, Sony fucked up big time. Valve is now allowing conditionless refunds for any who want it.
  11. I didn’t even know there was an orthodox Easter.
  12. Idk how they don’t just fight now. Drake will always be fine, his fan base is women. They don’t care about this shit. He never had the respect anyway
  13. Pc nerdmits will defend junk pc port after junk pc port but draw the line on having to sign into psn lmao These are the same people that raise their blood pressure thinking about epic game store exclusives lol. Bu bu Tim Epic Steam fanboys are the fucking worst. And the best part is they are this butthurt about dumb shit like this but are ok when top trending games like "Step Sister Pussy" Yes , that's real. It's embarrassing being a nerdmit sometimes I said damn
  14. A ton of refunds happening apparently. Valve is even allowing them for people who exceeded the 2 hour playtime threshold.
  15. Kendricks beats old like wu tang without the Kung fu. I dig it.
  16. God damn, Kendrick. Kendrick hates Drake more than I hate FF16 and I fucking hate FF16.
  17. Nah this is fire. Nothing hugely new but just burying drake. His writers can’t keep up
  18. Kendrick dropped another one Haven't listened yet tho. edit: Ok I listened to it.. and I think it's trash. Terrible beat and just saying the same shit with that annoying ass voice he does a lot.
  19. Yesterday
  20. Your clown ass likes Trump's "personality"... Always knew you were a Trump dick gobbler
  21. That's the best you can do after RFK jr himself proved your dumbass wrong
  22. Be careful Ghostz, Jerry probably has retard strength. Make sure he takes his helmet off.
  23. Lmao at the new Kendrick one. Someone gonna get the hit
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