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  2. Right right.. So how come Trump lost the debate so badly he pulled out the last two? Facts aren't on your side as always dumbass.. Lol
  3. Tried the game and unfortunately its not for me. It just drops you into a empty map filled with mobs, and has you kill wolves and knock down trees to collect materials so you can start building stuff and crafting better equipment. Im sure its a lot more fun with friends but the gameplay loop as a solo player just feels monotonous and a large grind. Still looking for another building/resource management game thats as engaging as Dragon Quest Builders 2 or Spiritfarer.
  4. Uh huh, so RFK jr shouldn't have ran away from the DNC ticket then... Cuz his pussy ks still leaking
  5. Nope... I've called him out often. Called out Xbox for fucking up every time they have. Gamepass isn't the problem here... Studio management is the problem.
  6. Biden couldn't debate a teleprompter.
  7. Lmao Biden's brain visibly leaks from his ears when taking questions 🤣
  8. Yeah the Sony guy thinks you need to make 108 BILLION dollars annually to have gamepass
  9. LMFAO YOU ARE STUPID AS A MOTHER FUCKER IF YOU THINK 500M SUBS IS NECESSARY...... That's $5B PER MONTH at $10... or $7.5B at $15 per sub... you absolute fucking moron
  10. You must be using the same wifi RFK jr used... The one he said gives people leaky brains
  11. I think we can already see that from you constantly sucking his balls anytime he speaks. We don't need you to tell us. You're still defending the guy's retarded business decisions even after he has led Xbox into an iceberg. You're a hopeless retard LMAO
  12. Kennedy ran from the DNC primaries when he declared independent.... What a big pussy Now as a chickenshit independent he wants to debate the incumbent President? Lmfao. Tell him join the line to get curb stomped in the debate like how Trump got obliterated in the 2020 Presidential debate
  13. He's got a sense of humor, that's for sure 😁
  14. No.. see I like Phil Spencer because he brought Xbox to PC. I've been pretty clear about that. You see.. that's why you're so god damn retarded. I'm not invested at all in Xbox hardware. The things Phil Spencer does which affect lemmings do not affect me at all. The only person here Phil has actually affected.. is you dude... lmfao living rent free in your head.
  15. This little weasel is rabid because his wife ate his dinner
  16. You're a fucking retard. I'm not the only one saying 50 million isn't good enough to sustain GP. Shawn Layden, you know the guy who led Playstation to major success last gen, and was a CEO at Playstation said 500 million would actually be what would be needed to sustain GP but go ahead and tell me how retards like you and Lemij who couldn't foresee ShitBox crashing and burning in 2024 are right Fucking retards. Still defending Phil's retarded business decisions even though Xbox is crashing and burning. Cult behavior at its finest.
  17. All I said was gamepass is sustainable with 10 billion a year lol
  18. The real deadbeat dad slow Jonny defending the admitted cuck Ghostz
  19. So for some reason Lords of the Fallen is $25 bucks at Walmart. Not sure if this was a blunder on their end but I wasn't going to ask to find out. Normally I wouldn't bother with this game but for 25 bucks I'd be foolish to ignore it at that price. Anyways, played about two hours of it earlier. Man, movement in this game is.... weird. Especially during attack animations, your character just kind of skates around when they attack so getting a good understanding of positioning and spacing can be annoying. There have been countless times I'd think I'd have the spacing right only to wa
  20. Cuckstz doesn't have a powerful PC, he barely owns an Xbox seeing as how he relies on his nephew to afford his gaming hobby. Your retarded ass is in love with Phil and want to suck Phil's ass that's why you're a lemming You retards are stuck in a cult of Phil and he can do no wrong with you clowns, that's why you are still defending him and his shitty business practices even after he has shitted in your mouth for years
  21. OK, so they did in fact do the Fatal Attractions storyline in Xmen 97. Wow. Which means more than likely means next season will be the Onslaught story and most likely Age of Apocalypse story after that. This is peak Xmen. Well done.
  22. Lmao FireBox wakes up thinking xbox and goes to bed thinking xbox. Imagine being that invested in console wars rofl
  23. It's their first big game this year and they aren't even talking about it .
  24. I don't even think saying TLHBFR cuts it anymore. This goes beyond lemmings being ordinarily raped lol.....
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