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  1. Past hour
  2. I saw that 6 a mile away. I’ll still play it and give it my own score.
  3. Well, after playing about an hour or so.. I can definitely say it's simply more Hellblade. The visuals are pretty incredible at times, but the constantly shifting focal range has been kind of annoying to me. Things just constantly shift in and out of focus. The game has been running beautifully for me thus far, which is good. I just jumped into the game with the default settings which were maxed. But yea, I can definitely understand why the game isn't everyone's cup of tea.. as with the first. We'll see how the rest of it goes. A couple quick screens I took..
  4. Today
  5. 84/100 Opencritic 81/100 MC Xbox 83/100 MC PC Yeah GameSpot has become some clickbait level shit for ages now.
  6. Not a disaster. Haven't ready any reviews yet. GS - 6/10 seems low, but they on some bullshit sometimes so who knows.
  7. Then the ethnicity of the main character didn't matter at all so why do it?
  8. The game releases at 12 AM PST, wouldn't that mean reviews hit in 26 minutes at 11 PM?
  9. No one on PC is "waiting" lol, there's a thousand other things to buy and play in the interim.
  10. Should be 12AM PDT, 2AM CDT, and 3AM EDT. The game releases 1 hour after that.
  11. The only one acting is you, who has to pretend they are joyous at waiting lol No acting here, I already have the games I want to play and you getting them year/s later literally has zero impact on me. I'll be playing the next game you will be waiting for
  12. We get everything, you get false hopes that we won't. Sony will have gone 2 years without the creation and release of a new game. Please act happy.
  13. Will be a monumental occasion when it happens
  14. Even the PC Kingdom Heart fans had less of a wait than you with Bloodborne PC.
  15. How does your mind go from wanting to post Christian Orthodox Chants to comparing Sex v Masturbation within the space of hours.
  16. PS5 has no games, meanwhile I can't keep up with the PS5 exclusive games this year while you're having to fill time with a decade old Dying Light on PatientC (don't worry, you'll get the games next year...or the after, they're coming)
  17. Don't have GP atm so not sure if I will be resubbing for it. But yeah as usual, I do actually play games before posting thoughts on them unlike some ppl I'll probably try Concord since they nailed HD2.
  18. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2024/05/nintendo-announces-acquisition-of-shiver-entertainment Weird purchase.
  19. https://x.com/KINGDOMHEARTS/status/1792722028354818287
  20. Freaky ass nigga need to keep his ass inside.
  21. DumbMutt pretending like he ain't gonna be playing this tomo lol Name me one Sony 1p game you are going to play this year
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