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  2. The Legion Go is on sale for $630 on Amazon and would also be worth considering for that price range.
  3. ive been considering a mid tier gaming system for way too long now but suddenly a steam oled seems like a good alternative. Whoever has bought one, how do you like it?
  4. So barely anyone was buying the Xbox anyway but last year they still managed 31% drop In sales. This motherfucker is in freefall.
  5. I haven't played the game, but I have played most of the Ubisoft games and they are piss poorly researched. This is why I brought Ghost Recon Wildlands, set in Bolivia where every inhabitant there speaks with a Mexican accent. The reason people are getting upset is because in a game of Japanese Samurais during feudal Japan, it couldn't be of a greater idea for the bright minds at Ubisoft to have both an African and a woman as their main protagonists. We all know why they are doing it, and it most likely will fail. And if there is something that Ubisoft sucks
  6. Today
  7. Real talk though Microsoft's marketing in general is abysmal, and has been for a very long time. I see Nintendo and PlayStation commercials multiple times per day, and absolutely nothing for Xbox.
  8. Still should not be even close to that far down the list. It's seriously concerning. MS has completely failed this game, the studio, and the IP. Either people really seriously don't give a shit about it..... or it's the literal non-existent marketing, and the trailers for the game not really revealing anything interesting about the game at all.
  9. Thats the thing its on GP so I don't really see it being a top seller anywhere.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/05/15/analysts-ps5-outsold-xbox-almost-5-to-1-this-past-quarter/?sh=70152d752539 This week, Sony and Microsoft both reporting earnings, and with that, gaming division information. Microsoft only posted financials, not exact figures, with a 31% hardware sales drop, and while Sony had a 29% drop as well, they reported 4.5 million consoles shipped. Now, using available data and their own calculations, analysts are saying that this past quarter, they believe that PS5 out-shipped Xbox Series X/S close to 5:1. That would put Xbo
  11. Personally don't think it really means anything. What's more worrying that any of that... is where it ranks on Steam's Global Top Sellers list considering it releases in a couple days... It's currently #102 It's actually embarrassing how little, and pathetically, MS has pushed and marketed this game. Just fucking close the studio right now if you're not going to support them ffs... I'm actually kinda pissed at MS about this game, because the IP is great, the character is good, there's tons of awesome marketing they could have done with this game..
  12. I haven't scanned this thread in a long time. God Aza really is ducking delusional with this nazi shit.
  13. Now what do we think that means. Surely 7 years to make this 4 hour long tunnel walking simulator will pay off? Lems are due a win.
  14. Cows before "OMFG God of War only managed a pathetic 72K concurrent players.. these games are selling like shit.. Sony needs to stop" Cows now "OMG the plan is working to perfection! They're lapping it up big time! Amazing results!"
  15. But here's the thing, Japanese people aren't upset by this. Yasuke is a very well known figure in Japan that has been in numerous Japanese games, movies, books etc. He was most recently in NIOH, you know that Japanese centric game with a white protagonist. A game non of these cry babies cried about. Yusake was in it as a Japanese villain... That was cool with them I guess. But him being one of the protagonist? Naah that's taking it too far... Lol Malacries need to focus on more important things.
  16. Lmfao Aza has spent 12 hours a day looking up as much videogame information as humanly possible for 23 years and didn't know this.
  17. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-review-a-mastery-of-illusions/1900-6418228/ this game seems real interesting. I might check it out.
  18. Lmfao am I supposed to care how they feel? If the game was set in Africa and every character looked like a sambo gorilla face no on in japan would feel offended and play it with no issues. I like how you're moving the goal post to them not properly portraying what life would be like for an African in feudal Japan. Despite the fact you haven't played the game or even know what that would be like for reference. I assume there would have been a lot of racism and scandal. And putting that in the game would make all of the people already upset about this even more upset, in
  19. The staggered releases on PC are working to perfection. This game originally released on PS4 4 years ago and Hermits are lapping it up.
  20. All that bitching about PSN accounts and hermits are still desperate to eat up Sony games. Reminds me of the MW2 controversy from a while back
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