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  1. Today
  2. Remember when lemmings said sales don't matter? MS is literally third party now and XBox as a console is dead.
  3. PS games will come to PC day and date soon enough. You’d be an idiot to think other wise… oh wait
  4. Playstation is about to get almost the entire slate of MS games moving forward. If that scenario where a potential 3rd party licensed Xbox, could potentially be open up to other 3rd party stores to the potentially play late Playstation ports is comedy to you. Then what's day 1 MS 1st party games launching on PS5?
  5. Yeah for sure. I mean there’s always a work around, but I’m sure Microsoft wants some control over the software if they intend it to play Xbox games on PC. It’ll be interesting because someone could take their emulator for Xbox and 360 games and expand upon that.
  6. Xbox was originally just a PC.. so it would be getting back to its roots And no, they couldn't. They've all been cracked
  7. Not really because at that point it’s not an Xbox. It’s just a manufactured 3rd party utilizing their service to compensate. It’s highly possible that Sony could block hardware IDs from these parties from installing games. Lol
  8. Yes it does matter. That's entirely the point. An Xbox that plays PS games through Steam on Windows would be peak comedy for me
  9. Uhh, what do you think Xbox is? It’s a shitty flavor of Winblows with console like experience.
  10. Yesterday
  11. lmao fucking nobody outside of the extreme nerds put a PC in their living room. Thats embarrassing.
  12. If they can make a gaming PC thats powerful and the size of series X, id be in for sure. MS games, Steam, PS games. Slap a good console OS on there and itd be legit. If its powerful tho, you are going to pay for it. Gone would be a 500 dollar console.
  13. I'd bet there's already more gaming PCs connected to living room TVs than Xboxes. They could've made Windows more TV/gamepad friendly at any time in the last 15 years. Valve caught them by surprise with the Steam Deck and now they're scrambling. Likely to make mistakes. But still if MS gets rid of the "Xbox Version" of games, and just rolls with PC that's an improvement.
  14. Why would you think Switch 2 will be in the same league as Series S? Nintendo has never made a true PS4-caliber game.
  15. It'll still be good for that long after Switch 2 is obsolete.
  16. Many great handheld games, like Helldivers 2 and Baldurs Gate 3 are not on Switch.
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