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  2. Personally don't think it really means anything. What's more worrying that any of that... is where it ranks on Steam's Global Top Sellers list considering it releases in a couple days... It's currently #102 It's actually embarrassing how little, and pathetically, MS has pushed and marketed this game. Just fucking close the studio right now if you're not going to support them ffs... I'm actually kinda pissed at MS about this game, because the IP is great, the character is good, there's tons of awesome marketing they could have done with this game..
  3. I haven't scanned this thread in a long time. God Aza really is ducking delusional with this nazi shit.
  4. Now what do we think that means. Surely 7 years to make this 4 hour long tunnel walking simulator will pay off? Lems are due a win.
  5. Today
  6. Cows before "OMFG God of War only managed a pathetic 72K concurrent players.. these games are selling like shit.. Sony needs to stop" Cows now "OMG the plan is working to perfection! They're lapping it up big time! Amazing results!"
  7. But here's the thing, Japanese people aren't upset by this. Yasuke is a very well known figure in Japan that has been in numerous Japanese games, movies, books etc. He was most recently in NIOH, you know that Japanese centric game with a white protagonist. A game non of these cry babies cried about. Yusake was in it as a Japanese villain... That was cool with them I guess. But him being one of the protagonist? Naah that's taking it too far... Lol Malacries need to focus on more important things.
  8. Lmfao Aza has spent 12 hours a day looking up as much videogame information as humanly possible for 23 years and didn't know this.
  9. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-review-a-mastery-of-illusions/1900-6418228/ this game seems real interesting. I might check it out.
  10. Lmfao am I supposed to care how they feel? If the game was set in Africa and every character looked like a sambo gorilla face no on in japan would feel offended and play it with no issues. I like how you're moving the goal post to them not properly portraying what life would be like for an African in feudal Japan. Despite the fact you haven't played the game or even know what that would be like for reference. I assume there would have been a lot of racism and scandal. And putting that in the game would make all of the people already upset about this even more upset, in
  11. The staggered releases on PC are working to perfection. This game originally released on PS4 4 years ago and Hermits are lapping it up.
  12. All that bitching about PSN accounts and hermits are still desperate to eat up Sony games. Reminds me of the MW2 controversy from a while back
  13. That's pretty awesome considering how little the game was marketed, and that they just came off of the HD2 controversy.
  14. I would say on a design level, the original Dark Souls is magical. It may not look as good as d3 or BB, but god damn that interconnectivity is something else. Also, no area in any Souls game gets me more tense than Blighttown. When I replayed it in November, I practically snapped the controller in half, from the tension. But then I remembered there was a shortcut making things way easier. DS1 truly rewarded (while punishing lol) the gamer for exploring. No discovery ever felt cheap.
  15. D3 is great, but I loved BB a lot more. Also, D3 is too easy to cheese. If you beat The Dancer early on, you get a ridiculous amount of XP, making most of the game pretty simple until the two princes.
  16. Ass creed has already been set in Africa. When the game was set in Africa, the protagonist was white. Im sure you were outaged.
  17. The Japanese don't even like this. If it had been done by a proper developer that will take its care to correctly portray the feeling of having an African in Feudal Japan , it would have been a hit. The only developer that can pull this off flawlessly is Kojima Studios. However, this new GOT clone is being done by Ubisoft, one of the worst developers from the industry. These guys get everything regarding the theme wrong. Having an African character and Japanese girl in a game about Japanese Samurais is the perfect clusterfuck reaction they are all looking for. Trust me, the
  18. Wait the new ass creed game has a black samurai ninja? How fucking stupid is that. Couldn't they actually save that for a game set in Africa.
  19. They try to make it intense but it just ends up feeling sloppy. Also you die in like 2 hits from getting blindsided from behind.
  20. No navy Ukraine keeps sinking the Russian navy.
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