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  2. That's fair. Not an issue if you increase godspeed skill but that is later in the game. Best thing about SO2 was never the combat itself.
  3. Today
  4. Cut the shit retard.. despite this little System Wars squabble you and I have.. the fact is that regular people don't distinguish between them.. they've started releasing games day and date already as far as the company is concerned. And dipshit...its funny how you can say "MS is set to announce day and date to Playstation any day now"... when they've never officially said anything of the sort yet so far... but I can't despite everything Sony has said and is doing Lmao you fucking dipshits.. its going to be SO gratifying when it happens
  5. The guy is such a fraud. Sony laid out their plans years ago and have been following it exactly. The few GAAS they’ve had have all released day and date on PC and every one of their SP games has taken at least 2 years to show up on PC yet this retard keeps saying they are about to go day and date with their SP with no evidence. He’s totally on Copium like the other lemshits retards on here. MS putting all their games on Playstation and PC broke these fools and they are desperate for Sony to do the same so that they can claim Sony is following Microsoft’s lead into irrelevancy. I see t
  6. @David P After 17 hours I've come to the conclusion that im really not a fan of the 2.5d combat in the SO2 remake. The enemies have more health at this point so what often happens is you'll start attacking them and then they'll just move onto a different plain and then your attacks start missing, so you have to chase them down again and then as you start attacking they'll once again move and the cycle repeats itself. It just doesn't flow as well as i'd like to compared to if it were completely 2D, or 3D like the newer games.
  7. Are you talking about Sony or MS? Sonys profits are dwindling big time, they forced their CEO and all other top leadership out, announced they’re moving to GaAS as their primary model, which guess what, means day and date for PC. they aren’t going to leave money out there. PS isn’t enough to keep Sony afloat (something MS released years ago). And are now scrambling to generate more money. All PS games will be day and date with PC by next gen. It’s unavoidable, which is great, because I can’t wait to bump this. LOL PS just had its best quarter ever with revenue, by barely
  8. Desperate move because their console is free falling off a cliff. GamePass has failed to move the needle and is bleeding money. And their retail sales of software has nosedived to hell. It's the only play they have left because everything else they have tried didn't pan out well for them.
  9. Sloooow for over a decade - "PC sucks I hate it, Xbox numba 1, best deal in gaming" Sloooow Jonny in 2024 - "I haven't really touched my Xbox, I've been a PC gamer since forever... What made you guys think I was a lemming?"
  10. Mr Disingenuous strikes again. Sony laid out their plans a couple years ago of the live service games being day 1 on PC and everything else a delayed port of a year/2 years or more. They're still following that road map. Throughout this you've been saying day and date for the non live service Playstation games on PC is coming any day now. Now today your new BS spin is that "it doesn't matter if it's live service or not" as if that's always been your mantra
  11. 34 views, zero comments. This is why no one gives a shit about your threads. Zero context of the topic title. Same way the world doesn’t give a shit about Russia.
  12. https://www.bandlab.com/post/398d9b48-df1b-ef11-96f5-000d3a425266 The Rebirth
  13. I agree it could use some more added things for replayability.. like unlocking alternate costumes, and an alternate ending or something as such. They definitely should have thought more about that beforehand. I still place a lot of this games reception to how MS have handled the entire thing from the announcement to launch. People didn't even know it was releasing just a week ago. I think the huge downturn of Xbox console sales over the past year or two have really fucked with morale at Xbox and so they just aren't able to hype their games up to a level they should. The fact th
  14. The game was in development long enough that there really should have been more to it. Like even just a basic roguelike mode with some unlockable rewards (maybe cosmetics) and leaderboards could have given it some more legs.
  15. This type of game also just doesn't financially work in the system that MS has set up. 7 year development for a game ppl can finish in 1 or 2 sittings does not work in a subscription service. There is zero stickiness to it and hardly enough to even make people want to sub for it. But they also can't really sell it themselves either because their console marketplace simply doesn't encourage sales anymore let alone for such a short game. They seriously just have to hope to maybe make some money back from putting it on PS (where GP isn't available) but going forward I can not see them looking at
  16. Why not? Regardless of my feelings about the game (I like it a lot) it's objectively a failure for MS regarding sales and concurrent players. Those numbers are extremely pitiful, especially considering the fact that THIS was the game they announced their new console with, and has always been the game that was meant to show next gen off. MS' lack of any kind of interesting marketing push for the game, and just how they've handled showcasing the game to the public in general has been completely lackluster and an utter failure. Like I say, I'm sure this game more than others is s
  17. Really curious to see achievement percentages for this a couple weeks after launch. Game basically gives you a story achievement every hour for its 5 hours. Wonder how many people actually stuck it through or got bored. Are the visuals enough for a casual gamer.
  18. i don't think player count/activity is a fair metric to use for this kind of game. Most people aren't going to keep playing once they finish it once.
  19. Hellblade is the 30th most played game on XBox. It's a COMPLETE flop.
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