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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2012-09-07 in all areas

  1. Spoiler They didn't have time to bury her obviously, but they wouldn't have left her if they didn't think she was dead. I mean, I guess they didn't check her pulse, but she got shot in the fucking head lol. We'll see, but I really doubt she comes back. She'd have to have gotten really lucky, found by somebody, got extensive medical care. All while not getting eaten by zombies. Very unlikely.
    1 point
  2. Spoiler except nobody checked the body so they have no way of knowing for sure. that was one of the points in my previous post.
    1 point
  3. Spoiler they wouldn't have left her if she was just grazed
    1 point
  4. Spoiler i think you mean grazed her face Spoiler lol if it grazed her face she'd be screaming and shit, she's definitely dead nah that would be enough to cause her to pass out.
    1 point
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