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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2017-11-11 in Posts

  1. I finally watched super dark times. The payoff at the end was underwhelming, but the rest of the experience was extremely tense. I highly recommend it if you like thrillers, even if the conclusion isn’t up to par with the rest of the flick.
    1 point
  2. I finished Origins. Its got problems for sure but theres lots of good stuff in the game. The storytelling, and the way it acts as a prequel to the rest of the games in the series is probably what impressed me the most, especially when it all comes together in the end. The combat is fun and the open world is definitely one of the largest and most detailed ones i've seen this gen. Even though I explored a fair amount and did a TON of side quests (there are too many if ill be honest) theres still a third of the map i've yet to even explore after finishing the game. I did wish there we
    1 point
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