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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2017-11-19 in Posts

  1. I have to say that Jon Bernthal was the perfect choice for the character. I'd go as far as to say that he did for the punisher what heath ledger did for joker.
    1 point
  2. I started it. You're right and I'm expecting a slow burn. Trying not to get too hyped. I do like Frank though so I think I will enjoy the season. They did poor donny wrong ((only on episode 1. Not a spoiler).
    1 point
  3. Which is unfortunate, since the series is quite good! Now all kinds of media will be knocked for being “too violent”. On a note, Season 2 of daredevil is still GOAT for me. But I do like seeing a more humane Frank Castle in Punisher.
    1 point
  4. It came out way later (like 6 months after). If you lived in the US, you would understand. The Las Vegas shooting, in particular, stirred up the gun control debate to new levels (since the victims were mostly straight white people). I work in TV news, and it’s the first time we aren’t doing a year end promo because of all the mass shootings.
    0 points
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