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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2017-12-10 in Posts

  1. Just got done playing the singleplayer campaign for CoD WW2. Really, really did not feel like playing the game based on the first 30 minutes, alone. I mean it immediately had you doing the same type of initial levels as MoH AA from way back then. Walking through trenches. And then, the game really did pick up. And it really felt like a fun ride, with alot of interesting diversions to never get too repetitive. And, I don't know about most people, I always liked following the narrative of the CoD games, I had liked MW2 the most, and I didn't follow the Black O
    1 point
  2. I'm covered. I rushed that earlier response, but totes totes agree. Gaming has lost its balls.
    0 points
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