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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-06-28 in all areas

  1. Finished Trepang2. The campaign was definitely mindless AF but it was still quite fun and actually throws a couple of surprises in there to keep you on your toes. The one thing from FEAR I missed was the leaning, but considering that its a lot more fast paced and constant movement is encouraged, I guess leaning wouldn't really be as useful. But yeah its a solid game overall and well worth the $25 I paid for it.
    2 points
  2. Don't be so harsh on ghostz. PS and Nintendo are doing the fucking while Xbox watches. It exactly what Ghostz enjoys
    2 points
  3. Russia has conducted small scale offensives, retook some lost grounds but I agree you won't see any major offensive push coming from Russians anytime soon. Very unlikely. Maybe if wagner was still operative on the grounds... lol I don't know what the Ukrainians reserve is like at this point but it'll take some serious firepower to get through like they are trying to. You saw what happened to bugged down tanks and apcs. Small scales infantry operations that the Ukrainians have been doing for a while now doesn't seem to be working well at all. Drones recon/howitzer and tanks automate
    1 point
  4. Everyone's aware the Russians are dug in. Mine fields and KA-52 choppers (which Russia is quickly running out of) are real threats. This is why the counter offensive has been slow, but its also been methodical. Ukraine is picking and choosing its battles to minimize their own losses while maximizing Russian losses. Seriously, even though there's not much territory changing hands right now, the numbers paint a very vivid picture: Visually confirmed Ukranian losses for 6/27 - 29 pieces of equipment Visually confirmed Russian losses for 6/27 - 70 piece of equipment
    1 point
  5. But lemmings we’re insisting the subscription model was going to be so game changing. RE4, TOTK, and now this proving them wrong as always.
    1 point
  6. Nintendo and Sony are tripping over themselves to copy this sort of block buster success that only a service like gamepass could bring. Anyday now
    1 point
  7. Half own a Swtich Less than 20% own a Xbox Series X/S
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Rumor has it they're panicking because allegedly low preorders
    1 point
  10. but teh "starting 2 panik wit da peeorders!"?????????????????????????
    1 point
  11. Even combined the budget for those two games doesn't come close to Star Citizen. PC wins again.
    1 point
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