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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-03 in all areas

  1. If all you want is a handheld PC then any one of them is fine, but people underestimate how much work has gone into SteamOS and how it transforms the experience. I installed Chimera on a test PC and you know what? I could actually see myself running this on my main PC The chimera "app" is a bit weak sauce but you can use the Lutris and Heroic flatpaks instead. In the mean time I picked up the Steam dock in the sale
    2 points
  2. JonB saying Redfall looked ''fun and gamey'' earned him 0,75$ from Microsoft.
    2 points
  3. After realizing it's been over 3 months since i last played a game on Xbox. TLHBO
    1 point
  4. Ayaneo's equivalent of the Armory Crate is horrible and that worsened the whole experience on that device. Thats one example where the management software is bad enough that it impacts the user experience and makes windows seem worse than it is.
    1 point
  5. Nice BTW, Im hearing good things about the Idris Elba show on there. Could be the next Apple+ show worth watching
    1 point
  6. yeah, its called warzone. its free to play. why do you think PC players play it more? there isn't many other high-quality, large-production games to compete against with, like there are on Playstation.
    0 points
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