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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-16 in Posts

  1. I think several Sony AAA titles need to evolve, mainly GoW and Horizon. While I dug Burning Shores (what a looker too!), I kept feeling like the dated level design didn’t match the stunning visuals. GoW felt too rooted in ps4 design, as well. I think TLOU 3 (if it comes out) will probably own, since 2 had significantly better level design and combat than 1. The game still holds up well, on a visual and gameplay level.
    2 points
  2. thru all them COD sales. I would like to thank you all in advance
    1 point
  3. So, I finally got around to playing this game. I'm not too far into it, level 10 I believe. I like some of it and I don't like some it. Nobody will care about the parts I like so I'll get to the parts I don't. 2, specifically. The world, at least so far. Graphically it looks really nice but it's not a world I'm getting lost in. Games like Skyrim, Witcher, Elden Ring etc... a lot of the enjoyment from those games is just wandering around. This game doesn't give me that feeling, it feels more like walking around *insert UbiSoft game* Next, the voice acting and
    1 point
  4. Well let me know. Theyll be sitting in the same spot.
    1 point
  5. Im just really tired of vanilla open world games at this point. More devs need to look at TOTK and design their open worlds like it. More physics, secrets, puzzles, etc.
    1 point
  6. It's probably one of most human shows on TV. I love the fights they have but still with love. I'm the newest member of my gfs family events, so I get along with everyone but have had to be a human buffer with her and her sisters before. So the last two episodes were kind of cathartic. Then Carms worries about a relationship vs job thing also felt close to home. I'm glad I waited for all eps to drop. Although it's a show I can't binge more than two eps at a time. They pack alot into an episode. Even when I dont identify with a character, I like them all so want the best for them lo
    1 point
  7. I also love Richies arch. Honestly, everyone on the show gets some good moments and a bit of focus. Also What we do in the Shadows is back as well. Tonight is the Gemstones. I remember the old days when there was nothing to watching during the summer.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, just watched it. It definitely hit hard. I get along with my gfs mother better than she does, and her JLC looks just like her mom with that hairstyle. So the scene with the mom outside of the restaurant really hit me. This season was fantastic. FX has been low key killing it the past few years.
    1 point
  9. So yes it was part of the terms of the deal. The games, specifically COD must remain multi.
    1 point
  10. The Bear’s season 1 finale was excellent. Onto season 2!
    1 point
  11. So, this game appears to be the beginning of a new trend where additional languages in games will be generated by AI instead of being properly localized
    1 point
  12. Dear developers, if you're making a complex turn based strategy game then please try to include some decent goddamn tutorials I started Jagged Alliance 3, and the game just drops you in without telling you shit Im slowly figuring out the mechanics but its got a hell of a learning curve. edit: anyone interested in this game, I found this guy's beginner guides to be very useful
    1 point
  13. 1 point
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