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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-29 in Posts

  1. 30 hours into Jagged Alliance 3 I only now felt comfortable enough with my income that I decided to set up a 2nd squad of mercs. My plan with this one is to start in the northern territories and slowly make my way south. Then at the same time ill move my other team from the south up north until they basically meet up in the same spot and that chunk of the map is cleared. I've only played with like 12 or 13 mercs total so far, and there are 40 in the game. Because they each have their own personalities and chime in with their thoughts when conversing with NPCs, there's actually a l
    1 point
  2. Ratshit and Jank on PC. Game looks phenomenal. This is at native 5760x2400 plus DLAA which adds more resolution on top of that, and yes the game runs amazing at that resolution lol. Pics don't even really do it justice imo.
    1 point
  3. Losers rejoice! Thousands of hours of creatively bankrupted MMO content for you to farm.
    1 point
  4. Pikmin has been such a chill experience, love the gameplay loop in this one and there just seems to be a ton of content to do.
    1 point
  5. Jez is stupid. Series S was a good idea and is the reason why MS is still in business. The cost for MS to make Series X's is apparently prohibitively high, which is why they're manufacturing far less of them and using the ones they have in the cloud servers.. they don't want to build Series X consoles and lose so much money. If it wasn't for the Series S, MS would sell some more Series X consoles, sure, but they'd be losing more money with every one sold, and it wouldn't make up for the loss of Series S sales. Series X was never going to sell like the PS5 was... they would ha
    1 point
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